[hider=Sid Magnus, Timekeeper][center][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JwYX52BP2Sk][img]http://th09.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2013/250/4/e/wings_of_the_mind_by_pochan_kun-d6lfafb.png[/img][/url] "[color=ed145b]Tick Tock goes the clock, as seconds trickle by. Tick Tock goes the clock, and soon the beasts shall die.[/color]"[/center] [b]Name:[/b] Sid Magnus [b]Title:[/b] [color=ed145b][b]Timekeeper[/b][/color] [b]Age:[/b] Twenty-One [b]Sex:[/b] Male [b]Backstory:[/b] Sid's story begins in much the same way a lot of The Fraternity's members do. He was born with a birthmark. A special birthmark. The birthmark of a hunter. And so he was abandoned early on in life by parents who didn't know what was wrong with him. From then on it was a life on the streets for the young Sid. A life lived in the dark corners and back alleys of Penumbra, getting into fights, being chased, making a lunch from bins and rodents. When it came down to it, he just copied the stray pets and other such creatures that he met. Cats, dogs, rats and one strange beast of the night, were his teachers in the ways of the world. The latter giving him a nasty scar on his back before he managed to flee. It wasn't the most pleasant of lives. But Sid didn't know anything different. Yeas ago on a dark and moonless night, a hunter, who had been following some rumours, had his mind set on hunting down a creature that was said to be attacking and terrorizing the locals in some of Penumbra's less prestigious areas. But when the hunter found his prey, much to his surprise, he found Sid. A thin and dirty young lad with long grimy hair, stained and tattered rags for trousers and scar covered skin. He was bloody and wounded and eating some sort of beast that appeared to have had it's throat bitten out. The young lad didn't speak the common language like a proper human should. He just sort of growled and bared his teeth at the hunter who found him. But there, marked upon his chest, was the hunters sigil, bold as brass. The man who found Sid was called Edgar. Though the hunters called him 'The Voice' for reasons Sid didn't understand when he explained. Regardless, Edgar was the one who found Sid. And so he claimed the responsibility of looking after him. Training him. He even named Sid after he'd managed to make him understand he wasn't trying to harm him. Slowly he taught him to speak like a proper person. He taught him to cook a meal and eat with utensils. He taught him how to conduct oneself in more polite society than he was used to, which was just about [i]any[/i] society. He taught him to wear clothes and be a true gentleman. He managed to make him into a twisted approximation at the very least. What Edgar didn't quite bank on was Sid's pure animalistic nature. Sure, it was to be expected to an extent, but nothing like it actually was. He found that Sid had a way of... slipping. Falling backwards into the abyss of pure instinct. And bad stuff tends to come with that territory. As a way to focus, a way to keep present and grounded in human society, Edgar taught Sid about time. Time is constant. Time is unending. Time is something you can trust. That's what he told Sid. He taught him to be punctual. Because a punctual man is a man who always has a small goal to work towards. And a man with a goal, is a focused man. Even the small goal of arriving somewhere on time can keep a man on track. And a focused man doesn't slip. Sid, not wanting to let Edgar down, became very interested in the idea and gave it a try. Eventually interest grew and evolved into him becoming rather obsessed with the whole thing when he realized it was actually helping him to stay in control of his darker, wilder side. [b]Aspect of the Hunter:[/b] [color=ed145b][b]Timekeeper[/b][/color] ~ Allows Sid to control the flow of time effecting his own body. Fatal wounds can be closed like they never happened, turn up his internal clock to gain bursts of speed, and freeze time within yourself to fake the appearance of death. Be careful of using this ability too frequently, for it is less a gift than a curse. [b]Stats:[/b] [i]Strength[/i] ~ A [i]Vitality[/i] ~ B [i]Skill[/i] ~ D [i]Knowledge[/i] ~ E [i]Bloodlust[/i] ~ A [i]Darkness[/i] ~ B [b]Skills:[/b] [List] [*]Sid can manipulate Pocket Watches like a magician manipulates cards. They just seem to appear and disappear in his hands or on his person without warning, and nobody really knows how or when he does it. It's really quite impressive. [*]Sid can tell the time, at any time, without a clock. At least, he claims he can. Nobody has ever asked him to prove if he was right. [*]Animals tend to like, and/or fear, Sid. Either way they usually carry some sort of respect for him. His childhood growing up rough amongst the stray and abandoned animals has given him an animalistic quality that they recognize, marking him as one of their own. And, when all is said and done, Sid is still that hungry creature living in the streets. Separated from his wilder self by only a shred of decent clothing and a thin and fragile veneer of civility. [/list] [b]Inventory:[/b] [list] [*][i][u]Appointment Keeper[/u][/i] ~ A large grandfather clock made from the deep, dark wood of a Witchwood Tree. Sid carries it around on his back. The wood is carved and decorated with the shapes of smaller clocks, all the possible times of the day are represented in some place or another. The main clock itself is broken and inside the body of the clock Sid keeps all his things. Inside is a massive jumble of Clock parts, knives, hammers, knives, hatchets, random pieces of sharp metal and knives. There's a pan in there somewhere too. It's just full of whatever takes his fancy. [*][i][u]Pocket Watches[/u][/i] ~ So many Pocket Watches. Working Pocket Watches, broken Pocket Watches, Pocket Watches set to the wrong time, one that ticks backwards. Some might say Sid has too many Pocket Watches. Though those people are likely the kind of people who think any more than one Pocket Watch is a bit extreme, and that's just uncivilized. An upstanding gentleman should carry somewhere in the vicinity of five Pocket Watches, even on a bad day, and certainly no less than three. The more Pocket Watches, the fancier you are. Everyone knows this. And Sid is striving to be the fanciest of all fancy gentleman. This is why he has so many Pocket Watches. One day he plans to have all of them and make Edgar proud. [/list][/hider]