[quote=@Tearstone] [@The Mad Hatter] - Oh no, that's cool. I just get a little twitchy when GM's start saying stuff like "Nothing OP" and either don't define it, or don't have a sort of system of reasonable limitations, or do's and don'ts. I've had a GM who wanted his character to be the coolest, the most shiny, and only he was allowed to do the coolest stuff, his character he ran with the group had to be the one to save the day, proressed the fastest, and couldn't be outclassed. I've had another GM shut me down because I got funky with working physics theories (stuff proven over and over again, a solid tested hypothesis). I've had another GM kill off a character of mine because I had a better, more workable idea and it didn't march to the beat of their drum. It's nothing personal. I just wanted to what you had in mind. The more I understand the constraints (or lack of them) of the RP environment, the better. Now that I know what you have in mind, I'm happy with it. ^_^ I really like the answer by the way. I think it's open, flexible, but with enough structure that it allows people to do what they want, but is governed by group consensus rather than one individual. I need to get to work on drafting up my character. [/quote] I have my own experience A GM made an really nice sounding rp, stated there was no law or whatever and very low tech so yeah naturally everyone made chars based on that, I came with a pro. assassin suddenly the GM was playing a cop and really soon started to hunt my char to the point that all I could post was how I tried to get away, but each reply I made to the point that I started to stretch my chars abilities and had to add new crap were countered by state of the art tech and god modding that for me was annoying but all other players were getting ignored, even those shooting a gun at the cop directly were countered by armoring able to block acid lasers as if it was rain on a windshield and the cop char continued to hunt my char I eventually had to give my char a teleportation power and even then he was able to follow me -_-'