[@Tearstone] I'm glad that you are satisfied with my GMing :) I've had some pretty bad GMing experiences, myself. After doing it for so long, I'm just pretty chill about everything. I've been in RPs that never even took off before they died, RPs that lived for months before suddenly just dying, RPs that died due to characters dropping, RPs that died due to GM dropping. I've had GMs that wanted to control everything, GMs that had nothing but a basic idea and expected the players to work everything out for them, GMs who wanted to outshine everyone and GMs who hated on characters for player disagreements. I've been insulted in every possible way, treated like crap and been tossed aside like a used tissue without a second thought. Sometimes, I wonder why I keep doing this and almost quit. At one point, I took a hiatus of six months becuase I got so sick of all the crap. But there's good times, too. I love making characters, even if I don't get to use them for as long as I want or somtimes at all. I've made some great friends here and even if the good times are much further apart than the bad times, it really is all worth it to get the feeling of having found a place where you belong. *ahem* sorry. Got a bit rant-y and sappy there... .:EDIT:. I find myself refreshing the page over an over again to see what your signature will be xD [@Blue Demon] The power is quite similar to [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/2617295]this guy's[/url]. I don't see that as an issue in itself, but I thought that you might..? [@Drake Baku] I've had my runins with situations like that. I used to get all worked up over it and get angry. I've long since realized that there's no point in arguing with them. It's better to just cut your losses and move on.