[center] [b][Cecilia] || [Home with Aunt][/b] She smiled up at her aunt, who was standing in front of her, on the phone with her mother. A few things crossed her mind... Was she going home? Did Momma miss her too much? She continued to watch her aunt, watching her facial expressions. For a ten year old, she was pretty sharp. She could tell when something was wrong or if something wasn't going to go her way and from the way her aunt kept looking at her, it looked like things weren't going to go her way this time. She let out a long sigh and walked away from her aunt. Her name was Clara, but Cecilia enjoyed calling her Aunt. She sulked over to the living room which was being filled with a golden light from the windows. At least it was a pretty day outside..She pulled Jacob up to her chest and hugged him. [b]"We'll be okay, Jacob. don't worry. You don't need to cry."[/b] She told the old stuffed teddy bear with her small angelic voice. Her hair feel against her face, hiding the inevitable tears. She tried her best, and eventually was able to calm the tears and send them away. She looked down at Jacob and hugged him again. He was always there for her. The small brown bear was so worn that his right eye had all but popped off and his fur was beginning to fall away. She'd laugh and say he was getting old like Daddy and was going bald, trying to hide the fact that her best friend was probably dying. She looked around the room, and eyed the front door. With a grin, she walked over and opened it, walking outside. The sun hit her like a wave, hurting her eyes. She shielded Jacob's eyes and kept walking. If she remembered correctly, Aunt lived very close to town, where the bakery was. She grinned to herself. Maybe Jacob would cheer up with some sweets! Making sure to look both ways, Ceclia crossed the street. She looked over and saw that it read, Golden Trout Way She blinked and looked down the road. There were many stores all along the street. She looked back and saw her aunt's house, sitting right next to what looked like a general store. Her eyes grew big and she nodded her head. [b]"That's right, Aunt owns that store."[/b] She said, talking to Jacob. She turned to face what looked like the bakery and walked over to the door. She pushed with all of her might and eventually was able to get the big doors open. When she walked inside, she noticed a line forming at the counter. With a bright smile, she skipped over to wait behind the boy at the back of the line. Even after a few moments of waiting, she didn't think to wonder why the line wasn't moving. She was content to looking around the room, daydreaming. [/center]