The Summoner began the ritual and began to ask a series of questions that would lead to their future beasts. Lebelont and Altea watched their respective items start to glow into a orb with fascination. [b][i]"What is the most important thing to a Craftknight?"[/i] [/b] Lebelont furrowed his eyebrows before closing his eyes in thought. What was the most important thing to a Craftknight? He wanted to become the best because he wanted to be someone. Someone that was recognized... He didn't want to be known as tiny or weak anymore. [i]"To become strong ."[/i] [b][i]"In battle - do you rely more on your skill or your weapon?"[/i][/b] His weapon was the one who gave him the ability to fight in the first place... [i]"Weapon."[/i] [b][i]"Think of someone whom you admire- what is it about them that you admire so much?"[/i][/b] He admired a lot of people. His father, his older brothers, Altea, and the well-known Andras of Storms. All of them were [i]"powerful"[/i] in their own unique way. [b][i]"And finally- what does love mean to you?"[/i][/b] [i]"Love is trust. Deep bonds that won't be broken easily."[/i] Lebelont took a step back when he finished answered, his attention still caught by the glowing objects. --- [b][i]"What is the most important thing to a Craftknight?"[/i][/b] [i]"To help people,"[/i] Altea answered in her mind. While she remember her little self begging her father not to leave, Altea knew inside that her father was doing something important. She would follow his footsteps. [b][i]"In battle - do you rely more on your skill or your weapon?"[/i][/b] [i]"Skill."[/i] There was no doubt about that. Her teacher had told her that improving on your technique would eventually improve your whole self. [b][i]"Think of someone whom you admire- what is it about them that you admire so much?"[/i][/b] [i]"I admire their perseverance, their ability to just keep walking towards their dreams even when the heavens are against it."[/i] Altea briefly thought of Lebelont - how was he faring with his own questions? [b][i]"And finally- what does love mean to you?"[/i][/b] [i]"Love means caring for someone deeply. I'll do anything for the people I love..."[/i] And if somehow Altea could help them achieve their dreams, she would feel completed - she would, right? When she finished answering, she followed the summoner's advise and stepped back.