Can we talk about how this thread is really just a roundabout way of setting it up so someone has the ability to call someone else an asshole or something Can we discuss the intricacies of that, because it seems flawed to me Couldn't I just call someone an asshole without all the organization and the setup and the rules and the general edgy overtones That seems much easier It's the same amount of satisfaction for like a twelfth of the effort Also what's with that age limit 16+ just seems oddly specific Is 16 the legal age of being called a asshole What about younger people who fit the qualifications of being an asshole What do we call those people And now that I mention it, there's also a "PG" there Are you suggesting that people need to have parental guidance while they're being called an asshole Should their parents be looking over their shoulders and supervising this How should their parents feel about their children's supposed state of being assholes I have so many questions and no answers and that's terrible