-------while moving home------------ Marcus couldn't help but notice that the fox girl was trying to avoid him for some reason, he didn't have a clear idea as of why. While thinking to himself the girls animal like feature seem a bit real to him, so he guess she was something like a kitsune, or fox spirit. He could help but wonder what else existed in this world. The girl soon give him a lollipop in which he took happyfully. "Thank you" he told her nicely. [i]"She seem like a sweet girl"[/i] he thought, unlike little miss sunshine with the blonde hair. -------At the base------------------ Marcus had nobbled at Zeke when he finish speaking. "Yes sir, I plan on asking a few question,but Trust me I pan on going near anything until a have a go idea what i'm in for." He told him honestly. Marcus then followed the ladies inside and was [u]fixation on the sexiness of the girl inside, follow by spooked by the girl's demonic appearance[/u] with made him jump and fall on his ass. [b]"Jeezus!"[/b] He stated out loud before feeling a sharp pain in his head for calling on a religious figure. "Ouch" he said out loud. Marcus was a little scare of her at first, however the demon girl seem friendly so his dear had retraced a bit. She seem like responsible type. He does with however that she wasn't wearing such skimpy cloth; don't get it wrong he didn't mind such eye candy to look at, what he does mind however that there was two girls their to observe his actions. He was forced to look away from her to preserve his appearance with the two other girls. The girl then asked him a question in wish turn his attendance back to him.Marcus decide to position Hecate between himself and the demon, keeping her close to him so she may keep her from eating him. He couldn't help but wonder if he was really safe form her or if she was going to eat or from the looks of it become her new sex slave. "Uh yea, my name is Marcus Wilson and though i may seem human apparently i been turn to...some sort of demon, i believe it was like a,dee-vil or something." He pointed out nervously while trying to look her in the face instead of her breast; So far his eye sneak in a peek at least four times. [u][b]IC note: Though Marcus doesn't know much about Christianity being raised Buddhist, His mother would you religious style swears like "god damn it", or "Oh christ". usually speaking those words in English which sore of rubbed off him.[/b][/u]