[@Raijinslayer] Oh, did she like it, she [i]loved[/i] it! It had amazing detail, like from she saw from the sketchbooks, and somehow the whiteknght had managed to find out, or at least think, that she used ice as her power. It did seem a bit strange, but the 'you can think what you want' comment before also seemed strange. Maybe he could read minds? Maybe, because of the 'you can think what you want' comment that much was obvious and Marci was an idiot for not figuring it out? Probably the second one. Though, she did really like this, even if it was just a sketch, it was good to look at. She noticed what looked like the boy without pants and his female assaulter in the background (yes, she did look at that for a little while whilst she had been looking at the sketchbooks), which was a good detail to add. As stated before, the ice knives were a nice touch as well. She just thought the whole thing was wonderful. "I love it!" Marci exclaimed, before adding on, "I'm excited to see it finished. However, I should go and at least look at what they're all doing at the party, so I bid you farewell!" She said to the whiteknight, and as she gave him the sketchbook, she turned around to see the fool without pants and the female assaulter once again. Time to watch. [url=https://animekritik.files.wordpress.com/2009/05/vlcsnap-256953.png?w=497&h=372]carefully.[/url] ----- [@Destinyfailhorror17] "Oh? Anything? Really now?" WHAT A FUCKING IDIOT LMAO Literally, she could just do whatever she wanted with him, then say 'You said ANYTHING!' right after doing it. So, maybe helping out this drunk fucking idiot wouldn't be such a bad idea, it'd just be annoying. And even if it was annoying, she would still be able to do whatever she wanted with him, soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo "I guess I'll help you find Hana." She said, faking trying to be helpful. The boy was drunk as shit, he obviously couldn't catch on to the fact of how angry she was at him and exactly [i]what[/i] she would want to do to him. Maybe she'd do nothing until they meet somewhere on the street randomly years later, have a conversation with him, and then kick his balls off. Maybe she'd not hesitate and knock him out right as they find Hana. Both ideas were so tempting, however, she just wanted to keep thinking about it so she'd come up for a plan when it was time. Under her breath, she muttered something along the lines of, [i]"No pain no gain motherfucker."[/i]