A man wearing a lab coat walked into his office and closed the door behind himself. Across from his chair sat a odlld looking man who had 2 stitches on his lips and stitches that decorated his neck. The man sat in his seat and looked at Don. "I don't even know what to say." The man stated looking from the papers in his hands back at Don. Don was his last patient of the day and would probably be his last for ever. The man read more of the papers in his hands. "Based on these readings your dead, a zombie, but zombies aren't real so...I don't understand." "I'm.....a zombie?" Don played along with the man. He looked at Don and nodded. "But zombies are pale and have a very lifeless appearance..." The man continued to ramble on while reading through more of the pages. Don stood and smiled walking towards the door of the office. Around the same time the man reach the last page and read it. "Your...not sane! You need serious help!" The man ordered looking up from the papers and looking at Don. When the man's eyes reached Don he was locking the office door. Don wore a crazed smile that sent chills down the spine of the man. "Why do I need help!?" Don asked walking towards the man. The man was very hesitant but spoke. "Cau-cause your not human or sane!" Right when the man finished his sentence Don was squatting on the top of his desk looking the man in the eyes. There was a few seconds of awkward silence and then the man jumped from his seat and ran for the door. The man thought he was home free until he spontaneously tripped. When he looked down at his legs both of his feet from the ankle down was sliced clean off. The man screamed in pain at the site of this unspeakable horror. "Watch your step..." Don said stepping over a thin line of thread that was now red. The man was slowly dying from blood lost and Don was to busy laughing to finish the kill. Don just walked pass the man and left him there to die. He swon the door so it wouldn't open right away and exited the crime seen by teleporting to a shadow a tree casted from outside a wind he seen earlier.