Why not create a fictional US city? Also leaving mine of these here for the time being... I have a love of ideas for some others if multiple characters is alright. Name: Weston 'Doc Lok' Lokrin Alias: "Guardian" Age: 28 Appearance: [hider=Weston] [IMG]http://i211.photobucket.com/albums/bb184/JJ-Livelong_partylonger-/images%202_zps73tvlhfr.jpg[/IMG] [/hider] [hider=Costume] [IMG]http://i211.photobucket.com/albums/bb184/JJ-Livelong_partylonger-/1352734572349_zpsnzrgsa8t.jpg[/IMG] [/hider] Equipment: Cybernetic arms and legs, Spinal augmentation, an advanced first aid kit. Skill: Vast medical and Cybernetics knowledge, Cybernetic augmentations {Uncanny strength, speed, and leaping[Unaffected reflexes]} Backstory: Weston was born into a wealthy family but also with a degenerative disease that if it managed to run its course he would have to lose his arms, legs and slowly rot away in a hospital before he turned 30. But Weston wasn't about to let himself go out quietly and with the support of his family and years studying and testing he discovered the cure for his disease at the age of 20. Sadly what was left of his body was weak and no therapist or gym membership would bring him back to full functionality, so Weston turned his R&D focus on to robotics and cybernetics. Through hard work and a large portion of his families wealth within 6 years he had designed and built new arms, legs, and spinal augmentations that not only brought him from his weakened state but gave him many new advantages. Weston was alive and well and bored, with his life back he did know what to do with it. While he could be a doctor for a hospital and save people who have been hurt, why not stop them from being injured at all and fight against crime and disaster. From then on Weston took on the alias of Guardian, the protector to the little people. Personality: Determined, Stubborn, Blunt, so when the Doc puts his mind to it he gets it done but he will only do it his way and won't mind telling you he won't change his mind and how wrong he thinks you are. Future Equipment: Guardian's Wings[Flight], Stemgel[First Aid Fix All], Guardian's Shield[Weapon]