[center][img]https://media.gettyimages.com/photos/actress-julianne-moore-is-photographed-for-madame-figaro-on-february-picture-id450172774?s=612x612[/img] Name: Grace Anderson Age: 49 Coven: Night Sky Leader Powers: [b]Asterokinesis:[/b] The ability to create, shape and manipulate cosmic energies to produce nearly any effect they desire, including the molecular restructuring and transmutation of matter. [b]Replication:[/b] Users can instantly and perfectly replicate themselves and/or targets which can be objects or living beings, numerous times. As well as the ability to remove their copies as quickly as they were made. [url=http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/img-thing?.out=jpg&size=l&tid=134981145]Pendent[/url] [hr][hr] [img]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-sJV2SeGe2LM/UYYNZW4gvDI/AAAAAAAAk3Q/L-c0Ondt4b8/s400/minka-kelly-wallpaper.jpg[/img] Name: Taylor Matthews Age: 25 Coven: Night Sky Relationships: Ciara's Sister Powers: [b]Teleportation:[/b] The ability to teleport herself and others one point to another. [b]Enhanced Intuition:[/b] The ability to feel or sense that something is wrong or someone is near. [url=http://www.craftster.org/pictures/data/500/32151_23May10_Moon_and_star_necklace_1.jpg]Pendent[/url][/center]