[center][img]http://i2.wp.com/www.claritaslux.com/girls/beautiful/Romanian-girl.jpg?resize=300%2C300[/img] Name: Petra Novak Nickname: N/A Sexuality: Heterosexual Background: Petra was born in the most eastern point of Czechoslovakia, in 1983. When the Berlin wall was knocked down and the USSR dissolved, her family moved to America. Being new immigrants that spoke little English, they did not have the most luxurious life. Up until the time that Petra moved out, she and her family lived in a crummy apartment with cracks in the wall and flickering lights. When Petra was still in high school, her brother had graduated. Not having the money for college, he got involved in a gang. By the time Petra had graduated, her brother had gotten her involved with it as well and they were working together. However, some years later, during a deal gone bad, Petra's brother was killed. This prompted her to give up the lifestyle and lead a straight life. She used the money she had made to move to a different part of the city and finally enroll in college at the age of 26. Since graduation, she had been working as a cook and living alone in her apartment. This is the life she had during the outbreak. Age: 35 Height: 5'7 Body Type: Average Hair: Blonde Eye Color: Blue Personality: Being from Eastern Europe, Petra is naturally on the colder side. Smiles are a rare commodity and laughs are even rarer. She speaks only when she feels it's necessary and has little patience for nonsense. Her temper is somewhere in the middle; she knows not to snap over petty things but will not let others walk all over her and will not tolerate people wasting her time. She is rough around the edges and will not lie for your benefit. She will call things as she sees them. She is usually independant and will not ask for help unless she truly needs it. Another thing she takes from growing up in the Soviet Union is her communistic views. These will be prominent when in a group setting. Unique Abilities: trilingual (Czech, German, and English), cooking skills, street experience, and negotiation skills. Knowledge of Combat: while Petra was involved in street life, she did little fighting herself. That was up to the men and she was smart enough to avoid such confrontations. She has basic knowledge of guns as her gang dealt them and she knows how to properly wield blunt trama weapons. Despite this knowledge, she is not extremely experienced with it, but can hold her own at least for a little while. Weapons: Fire axe and pocket knife Equipment: backpack containing: bag of crackers, canteen of water, three cans of soup, some medical supplies, a dead phone, wallet, and a change of clothes. Conditions: her English isn't exactly up to par and despite being in the country for twenty eight years, she still mixes her words up sometimes. This is mostly due to the fact that her family is still spoke Czech at home and she would only have to use her English when outside of her house. Can also be a little hard to understand.[/center]