"Though I think a brush might indeed make a worthy addition I doubt it would be of that much use." Cadogan smiled faintly as he glanced at Chii - who had just sort of appeared next to him. "To tell the truth it hurt much less than I had imagined - or maybe my headache took most of the edge off from the pain." The white haired man shook his head ever so slightly and glanced up at the sky as he gathered his thoughts for a proper answer to Chii's ponderings. After a brief while the Great Inventor straightened his back slightly and fixed a surprisingly serious expression on his face. "First of all you'll have to take in to account that there is still the possibility of NOT going to war. The seraphim are a wise bunch - if a tad bit self righteous and cold at times, not to mention heartless and bigoted. I still think they'll make the right decision." Cadogan smiled a little - it was a joyless smile. "Besides I'm not on the human's side any more - got banished from the kingdom, remember? I could just go where the money is good and all that, since I do have a knack of building things - but that just wouldn't feel right." He again paused briefly and very gently poked Chii on the forehead with the cold, metallic middle and index finger of his left hand. "I'm in Neon's service now, remember? I go where she tells me to and I ain't turning my back on her just because there might be a little war coming in the future. Oh... and I'd also wouldn't want to fight you - I saw what you were capable of back in Dumont." Cadogan smiled warmly, pulled his left hand back and ruffled Chii's hair with his right hand. "You know, I really havn't made you that armor I promised - though you can keep the leg guards and the coat I made during the Games... I was just... uh... If you'd want me to make you a... properly fitted set of armor?"