My Deadpool story's up and running. Here's the pitch: Wade Wilson, the Merc With The Mouth, has been hired by his previous employers in Las Vegas to oversee the security for the Annual Poker World Tournament as they're expecting several high-profile supervillains to be attending as participants. Hopefully this will involve hijinks as other characters drop in for a little card play, casual dining and casino robbery, but if they don't then Deadpool's gonna get bored and try to make off with the loot himself. Anyone wishing to collaborate on the story, feel free to drop me a line, or just jump into the thread. I'm more than happy to have Deadpool respond to whatever happens in a suitably chaotic fashion. In case you're wondering, this story picks up from the events in [i]Deadpool #23-26: Tricky[/i] (2010), where Deadpool teamed up with Weasel to help police Las Vegas in giant battle robot armour suits, only for Deadpool to screw over Weasel in order to steal the gig for himself.