Aletta watched curiously as the balls of light formed, staring into her own before beginning to answer the questions in her head. [b]"What is the most important thing to a craftknight?"[/b] Tal paused, tilting her head slightly as she thought. The most important thing? But there were so many important things... It was difficult to choose one. Her mind was caught between two answers and it took her a moment to decide which one to go with. [i]To protect those that cannot protect themselves.[/i] [b]"In battle- do you rely more on your skill or your weapon?"[/b] Well the question seemed simple enough. She remembered her brother's lessons and his words 'think of the weapon as an extension of yourself.' But how true did that seem to her. [i]My weapon.[/i] Because without the weapon she was helpless. [b]"Think of someone whom you admire- what is it about them that you admire so much?" [/b] There were many people who Tal admired... But one was stronger than the other. [i]My brother. He works hard to fulfil my parent's wishes but also to do what he loves, and pursue his own goals all while helping people. I admire his strength of mind.[/i] [b]"And finally- what does love mean to you?"[/b] [i]Love is opening up to someone, giving them power over you but knowing they'll never abuse it. It's about trust and faith, and it's the strongest feeling there can be between two people.[/i] She smiled slightly. She paused only a moment after answering, stepping back and glancing at the others from the corner of her eyes. [centre]~~~~[/centre] Rather wary of the orbs of light, not entirely trusting how they had been made, Sairse nonetheless went to answer the questions. [b]"What is the most important thing to a craftknight?"[/b] Well, it certainly wasn't she had thought about. It depended on whose point of view. Of course, she guessed that they were being asked their own point of view. [i]To improve yourself, and become the best that you can, to aid survival.[/i] [b]"In battle- do you rely more on your skill or your weapon?"[/b] [i]I rely more on my skill.[/i] The answer was easy enough. She relied on her own skill for everything. Stealing would be more difficult if she was not skilled. Daggers were a simple weapon, common enough. She was better than others because she was skilled in her use. [b]"Think of someone whom you admire- what is it about them that you admire so much?" [/b] There were few people that she had admired. She hadn't particularly grown close enough to anyone to admire them. [i]Those that survive, even when the whole world is against them. I admire the strength that they have and the ability to do what is necessary to continue living.[/i] [b]"And finally- what does love mean to you?"[/b] Ha. Of course, she should have expected something like this. To be honest... She did not truly know the answer. At least, she couldn't describe what that thing was in a typical way. [i]Love is a weakness. It forces people to risk themselves for others, to do stupid things without thinking. It is something so strong that it overcomes all logic. [/i] She took a step back as she finished watching, surprised to find herself slightly excited to find out what Guardian Beast she would get. She guessed it would be good to not have to only look out for herself...