Today, on the planet Earth, an auction will be held. Lobo, interstellar bounty hunter extraordinaire, recently apprehended a criminal who had in his possession many objects of great power, taking them as trophies and bringing them here to sell. Chief among these is the object that drew beings from across the galaxy, the a Green Lantern battery and its ring. In attendance will be members of many lantern corps, including Sinestro, the Guardians of Oa, and even Larfleeze. A young meta-human thief by the name of Photon, who possesses the ability to bend light, sees the auction as an opportunity to become richer than he'd ever imagined. His plan: steal artifacts, including rings from the various lanterns, and sell them. When he took a ring off of the Orange Lantern, however, things went wrong. He doesn't want to sell them anymore, he just wants their power. No, he NEEDS their power. I need their power. It's MINE! [hr] I will slowly grow in power, with ever increasing mood swings as I attempt to collect the various rings, becoming ever more powerful and insane as I do it. Your team's job will be to stop me before I am too powerful to stop.