All of these plots take place in the same basic world: Based on/inspired by Firefly: People live scattered through out the universe, some on teraformed planets and others on space ships. Some planets are compariable to earth with diverse densities of populations, but most are either heavily populated or near desolate. There are some planets that are entirely cities. Some plants are so back woods and lost there is no connection to the outside word. Others, most, are ruled by the main blood line of the humans, the original order that set out to settle the universe, and maintain order with an iron fist, the Council of Adam. They govern and control part of the universe, settling empty planets, and either making peace and profiteering off the occupied ones our going to war with them. There are a few humans that have fallen off the grid of The Council of Adam. Most try to scrape by. A few fight back, trying to free the enslaved peoples and stop the Council from, well, ruling them and their home worlds. The races that are not unified with or enslaved by the CoA are at constant war with them. [b]Title[/b] Idunno [b]Tags[/b] Sci-fi, Romance, School/Academy based Our characters are both young pupils at the Academy of Adam, THE school where all soldiers of the Council are trained. Depending on your character's background and story, the two can be friends, allies, grudging roommates, or rivals. The idea is to follow them through scattered scenes in their school years (or rp through their schooling if you are as YES SLICE OF LIFE as I am) and then roleplaying life after school, where they work as pilots/soldiers/etc for the CoA or as rebels, from where they escaped the control of the Council. [b]Title[/b] WhydoIbotherputtingtitleswhenIhavenone? [b]Tags[/b] Sci-fi, Action/Adventure, Slow Build, Romance Character A is a skilled mechanic, who bears the curse of having been born on a backwoods planet. Unable to even really prove himself, he just works to keep the busted technology of his homeworld functional. One day, he is down on the docks to see if he can get work when he meets Chara B, a cocky pilot with a ship in need of repairs. The two end up talking, and the silvertongued pilot convinces the mechanic to come with him. Just like that, Chara A goes from hidden in insignificance to involved in an illegal arms race, and he's not entirely sure which side he is even working for, much less which one he wants to be on. [b]Title[/b] To Save a Life [b]Tags[/b] Sci-fi, Action/Adventure, Slow Build, Love/Hate relationship YC is a gunner for the CoA. He worked hard, from a simple foot soldier to one of their top fighter pilots. He runs the gun while someone else drives the ship. Since he was 12 years old and was assigned a pilot to practice with, that someone else was MC. One year ago, MC vanished without a trace while in a foreign port. YC assumed the worst, thinking he had been murdered on a back street and pretty much went on a rampage hunting for him. He was finally taken off planet in cuffs by the CoA. After a brief period, he was forced back to work, but he was never able to keep with a pilot for very long, HATING all of them. Now, one year later, he's out on a mission with a new pilot when they encounter the ship they are meant to take down. It seems like easy pickings of a cruiser owned by a rebel, but despite his honed gunning abilities, he can't land a single shot as the beat of old ship flits around him like magic. Finally, anger wins over reason, and he decides to use the expensive heat seeking missiles they use to wipe out entire cities. Just as he has locked on, a transmission breaks onto his ship. For a brief moment, he glimpses the horrified face of his former pilot with the caption [He's on board. Your choice to fire, (Chara name)]. Needless to say, he doesn't, and in an instant, the cruiser disappears. He returns to control for permission to hunt the crusier, and he's given it...with the understanding that if MC has betrayed the CoA, he must kill him. YC refuses to believe that he would and goes on a rescue mission for his friend.