Revan "So the brat is a mindreader of some sort. Not a good one though if she think I've ever used a condom in my life." Revan chuckled to himself before he picked the girl up by the back of her shirt again and slinging her over his shoulder like one would a jacket. He walked back to the party only to see a drunk, pantsless idiot running towards him, seeming to be seaching for someone. Seeing the drunk's face, he easily put two and two together and decided to help out. But first, he decided to be a jackass. As Iyo tried to exit the party, he'd be seny backwzrd violently after getting hit by Graiai, who Revan had 'lightly' thrown at him for no reason other than she was the closest thing available to be thrown. The girl he eas leading would also get caught up in it if she didn't move out of the way fast enough. "Oi lightweight, your little shit of a brother is either on his way to the headmaster's office or home if Delilah decides to be easy on him, which I highly suspect. So, sober the fuck up, put your pants back on, you've embarrassed yourself enough for one night." Revan issued the order with Domination infused into his words, not really in the mood for dealing with drunks right now. [@Unfortunately] [@Destinyfailhorror17] [@LowKey123]