Villith hated the fact she and her people had not been tasked with destroying the elves. The dark elves had long possessed an enmity towards their arrogant brethren. She had been sent to watch Draxis, not necessarily to interfere in what he was doing, but at least one dark elf had to be present to witness the rapacious destruction of the heartwoods and the slaughter of their kin. Villith liked the way this Draxis operated. Her own people often made use of their fallen slaves as expendable foot soldiers but this was something else. Their own slaves warriors were little more than groaning zombies lurching towards the enemy. This Draxis somehow managed to instill his undead warriors with martial prowess, ranks holding aloft shields as they advanced and providing cover for those behind. Unfortunately their opponents were elves. All the fancy columns and formal lines would be near useless once they broached the treeline. Battle formations didn't work well in underbrush and uneven terrain. The flames being dropped into forests by the wyverns was more a worry as far as Villeth was concerned. The desiccated flesh of the undead did not deal well with fire. Then there were the siege carts, how would they get through the forest? Villith was interested in seeing that. "The attack goes well Draxis," Villith hailed the undead lord by name. Sure as there were devils in the nine hells she wasn't going to refer to him as a superior. "However, the deeper you enter the heartwood, the more resistance you will face." Villith was a tall, lean elven sorceress but even with her height she had to look up at the hulking eldritch form of the ancient undead king. Beneath long lilac coloured tresses her pale white eyes, lacking pupil or iris, looked him over. Yes, he certainly looked a formidable combatant and Villith was certain she wouldn't want to engage him, not with her long slender limbs and lack of armour.