Done. Lemme know what you think, [@DrewVonAwesome]. [hider=Jago Andrew Javuant][b]Name:[/b] [indent][i]Jago Andrew Javuant[/i][/indent] [b]Age:[/b] [indent]17/Junior[/indent] [b]Codename:[/b] [indent][i]The Hanged Man[/i][/indent] [b]Powers:[/b] [i]Telekinetic Shields[/i] [indent]Jago has the ability to create telekinetic barriers with little energy or focus as far as the eye can see. Jago's barriers are translucent, dark-purple or blue, and come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Though, Jago is more specialized in creating walls, he can create curved walls, or spheres. He can't move them, the barriers are effectively stationary (Though, they can be moved with enough strength) until he becomes more refined in them, but he can create floating shields just fine. He can control what goes through them. For example, he can make it so that people can attack from inside his shields, or render them inaccessible from both sides. These force-fields have varying levels of durability, all depending on how much effort he puts into it. They can be enough to block a person, or stop an augmented punch from a super-strong meta. Though, the more pressure they're put under, the harder it is it for him to keep them going. Right now, Jago can only create bouncy, flexible shields. If his shields were hit by anything, they would deform, and Jago would be able to bounce it back, with a variety of other uses. Bouncy shields are a bit harder to destroy than his other shields because they're far more shock absorbent. He's working on creating traditional, "solid" shields by gaining a higher degree of control. He will be able to learn how to create reflecting, and deflecting shields with time. In regards to energy, or non-physical, attacks, Jago's shields block simply them regardless of the type of shield he has deployed, and they cause no deformations in his shields. One technique he believes he can do is that he can wrap his barriers around his limbs, to create an armor around himself. Bringing his durability up a bit. There are plenty more techniques he can come up with as he becomes better at controlling his ability, but it's more of a creativity kind of thing. He just needs to think outside the box with his power.[/indent] [i]Telekinesis[/i] [indent]Making up the other half of Jago's power is good old telekinesis, baby! A recent development, and it came with the epiphany that his power is truly telekinetic in nature. By default, he can do the usual telekinetic techniques of lifting, throwing, pushing, attracting, and generally controlling the motion of any solids. It's also possible for him to bend, crush, or stretch objects. He does these techniques via hand/arm, and leg, motions - it's also possible to move it with a thought, but his control won't be as precise. By pointing his hand at an object, and with concentration, he can move it, as it "follows" his motions. By thrusting his hand outward, or swinging it really hard, he can send it flying at a speed of his choice. Get the idea? It's entirely possible for him to do this to multiple objects at once - with one motion, in fact. He can also be extremely precise with his telekinesis. The most he can lift up without strain is 200lb. Jago can also use telekinesis on [i]himself[/i]. More or less giving him the ability to control his own movements. Such as flight/levitation, sliding along the ground, putting more force behind his punches, controlling his balance, and more precise movements. There are plenty more applications he can do, but that'd bog down the sheet.[/indent] [b]Appearance:[/b] [indent]Jago is a tall, thin, wire-y fellow. With one glance, it's blatantly clear that Jago isn't the type of person who'd sit around the house all day. He's definitely the type who gets plenty of sunlight, and works out. Jago's quite muscular, not saying he has the typical "hero" build, but he has something to impress the ladies with. Best way to describe it is that he has the build of a Basketball player (Because that's just what he is!). He has long (His legs actually make up most of his height), muscular, limbs, topped off with some abs. Jago does full body workouts so he can get ripped like the bodybuilders! Another thing about Jago is that height runs in his family. His father, mother, and sisters, are tall. So, shouldn't it be fair that he's the same? Jago stands at 6'3, and weighs around 192lb. Which makes perfect sense given his current body mass. He has broad shoulders, and large hands (And large feet if you know what I mean). Jago is African-American, and it's obvious from his dark-brown skin which comes from the fact that he's been in the sun for most of his life. Aside from his skin, he has facial features consistent with his ethnic background. Skull shape, lips, so on. Jago's skin is, obviously, covered in a ton of scars. He's the type that loved the taste of danger, ever since he was a toddler. And danger comes with physical damage! His crooked nose was broken in fights fairly frequently and just never healed right. Along with a few scars here and there - mostly around his knees from tripping - he's clearly been in some stuff. There's also a scar on his cheek, starting a few inches under his eye, and going to his jawline. Going back to Jago's African-American heritage, his facial features are structured very much like African-Americans. His skull shape, thick lips, and hair-texture give this away. Jago's facial features are rounded and smooth - blending seamlessly with each other - along with a rectangle shaped head. His chin is small, and square, blending into his sharp jawline very well. His nose is medium sized, with two large nostrils and a thick nose bridge, and like it's been stated before, is quite crooked. He has large lips, along with a wide mouth. His ears are small, yet quite round. Jago's eyes are small, usually giving off a lazy, bored look, or a fierce, determined, confident, glare. One thing Jago has been notable for is his thick, straight, dark-black hair color. It's a usually wild hair-style, since he keeps them all in shoulder-length, thick, dreadlocks. They move and flow just as he does.[/indent] [b]Costume:[/b] [indent]The best way to describe Jago's costume is that it's militarized Motocross Racer gear. It covers him from head to toe in a black fiber, with thick armor in strategic locations that are colored blue. This costume comes with gloves, boots, and a nice leather jacket. Around Jago's waist is a utility belt where he keeps the items (Projectiles to throw with telekinesis, detective crap, and car keys). It's all topped off with a blue helmet that looks like it belongs on a Special forces trooper. It obscures and protects his face, he keeps everything below the eyes covered in a fabric wrapping, with a tinted, shield-shaped, visor, over his precious eyes.[/indent] [b]School clubs or achievements:[/b] [indent]Star player on his school's basketball team, School troublemaker, was thrown in detention plenty of times.[/indent] [b]Brief bio:[/b] I'm gonna quickly note that this is a bio for Jago [i]and[/i] Aisha, if you don't mind. [indent]Fortunately, the life of Jago and Aisha Javuant isn't a long one. The pair were twins born to the Javuant family years after their first child, Deborah Javuant. They were born into a military family, with their father being a Ranger for the United States Army. They were moved around a lot, as their father was moved from station to station. So, while they were growing up, they didn't stick around in one place for too long. This process stopped once their father went to go fight in the Iraq war. Depriving the two of their father during the crucial years of their life. It was years before he came back, a changed man. And not for the better. He was apathetic, and merely kept to himself. Leaving only their mother to care for Jago and Newt. As they developed, they were given quite a bit of freedom, since once their father got home from the war, he didn't want to raise anymore kids. It was up to their mother's steady hand that put them on the path to greatness. Neither of them were anything special in class - however, Newt had trouble with school since she couldn't hold still and found herself getting distracted. Both of them did well enough to get by, and that's just about it. Though, they were both... problem children. They were always getting into situations well-behaved children wouldn't. It all started with Jago, he had quite the aggression and temper at a young age that wasn't curbed when it needed to be. Through the years, he'd constantly get into fights with other classmates, and simply act violently. It came to a point where they were ready to toss Jago out of their school. Their mother did all they could to attempt to curb his temper. Punishments, didn't work. Therapy, on the other hand, did work. The therapist decided that Jago needed an outlet for his aggression, and suggested karate classes. He was signed up for karate classes, which didn't work at first, but it certainly taught him discipline over time. It became a hobby that Jago loved. At the same time, both Jago and Newt were signed up for gymnastics. Just to keep them on their toes. A hobby that they both greatly enjoyed (Except Jago would rather go without the unitard) and allowed it to hone their agility and bodies. Jago also took an interest in soccer and basketball, and learned how to play the latter through friends. Newt on the other hand didn't get into hobbies other than gymnastics. She'd rather screw around with reptiles. Which meant her mother had to force her hand, and forced Newt to attend piano classes... It goes without saying that she didn't like it at all, but as she went to more and more classes, she warmed up to the idea of piano. Along with a few Spanish classes. Regardless, these hobbies were all outlets for them to properly learn how to socialize with people. And it was a success, their social skills were better than ever. Years passed by rather uneventfully. The two got really good at their hobbies through years of practice - Aisha became a gymnastic star, while Jago reached his red belt in karate in a few years. They reached highschool, and became notable people for the skills they got while growing up. Jago eventually joined the basketball team, and became their star player... while remaining a bad boy up into his teen years. Fighting is something that just sticks. Newt also became a great asset for her gymnastics team, and joined clubs such as the Anime and Music clubs. They couldn't resist the call to party, however.... [/indent][/hider] [hr] [hider=Aisha Newt Javuant][b]Name:[/b] [indent][i]Aisha Phoebe Javuant[/i] (Her childhood nickname is [i]Newt[/i])[/indent] [b]Age:[/b] [indent]17/Junior[/indent] [b]Codename:[/b] [indent][i]The Fool[/i][/indent] [b]Powers:[/b] [i]Superhuman Condition.[/i] [indent]Aisha has a godly body for a fourteen year old girl. She is at her (Super-natural) prime. That said, Aisha has your typical superhuman abilities. Her body has been enhanced in a few fields, such as her agility and strength, among other things. However, her agility is simply top-tier, and easily the most improved part of her body by a long shot. She's insanely flexible, she can go from one motion to another with ease, sprint, do backflips, and other tricks with little effort. Her body/muscle control, hand-eye coordination, and balance are insane, allowing her to perform stunts with little strain on her body. Aisha can also bend twist her body far beyond the normal limits, her muscles and skin are more flexible, and her limbs are double-jointed. Meaning she can perform contortions that look like she's boneless. She's also great with those hands of hers, they move at a blur, and are insanely precise. Which can allow her to quickly snatch something. This power also allows Aisha to run faster (at like 35 mph consistently) and jump higher (At least a good twenty feet in one leap). Her reflexes have been increased to boot, she can react to things the moment she sees it coming. In a fight, the implications are obvious; she can easily and effectively dodge attacks - moving like a blur. Finally, Aisha has the ability to wall crawl by taking advantage of van der Waals force. Aisha can cling to any surface. Aisha's strength has also been enhanced by a few notches, and supplements her agility. She can lift up to 650lb on her own, and that's enough to throw a grown man around like it's nothing, or throw a bone breaking punch. Her healing ability has been enhanced, to the point of regeneration. Aisha’s ability to regenerate damaged cells is astounding. She’d heal from superficial wounds like paper cuts, microfractures, and so on, in a few seconds. Bigger wounds such as deep cuts will be closed in half an hour. Broken bones would be healed in a week. Get the gist? She is also capable of regenerating limbs. It’ll take a few months to grow back something like an arm, but it’s possible. Because of her high healing-factor, her immune-system and metabolism have been similarly enhanced. And finally, her stamina has been enhanced to the point where she could sustain all of these feats, and not even need a breather. She can also hold her breath for awhile.[/indent] However, I [i]should[/i] note that she doesn't have any boosts in durability. Therefore, using the full extent of her power would be quite... self-destructive. [b]Appearance:[/b] [indent]Aisha is certainly a girl that stands out - literally! The first thing people notice about Aisha is the fact that she has quite a bit of height to her. She stands at 5'11ft, and weighs an appropriate 142 pounds. Through physical exercise, her body is very slim - trimmed even. She's slender, but at the same time, she appears far from frail. Her body is tight, and neat. She doesn't have too much visible body fat, but at the same time, she has little muscle tone. Which merely accentuates her small-girl frame. Still, Aisha has some curves (Breasts and hips) to accentuate her femininity. She's a healthy girl. She's energetic, and never can seem to hold still, and her movements are quick and wild. Even when she's holding still, she's always looking like she's about to explode in a ball of energy. Newt is clearly African-American, her skin, skull-shape, and facial features are consistent with African-Americans. Her skin is a dark-brown color. It's hella scarred from all the rough-housing she did, and still currently does. However, Newt's body is splattered with black freckles against her brown skin. Newt's facial features are rounded, and smooth, nothing looks disproportionate from one another. She has a rectangle shaped head, and with a small square chin much like her brother. She doesn't have much of a jawline at the moment, but it is developing. Her nose is medium sized with rather big nostrils, and a thin nose bridge, making her nose look almost triangle shaped. Surprisingly, it isn't crooked or broken. She has thick lips that are usually painted bright red via lipstick. She has some small ears that are thin, and kinda pointy. Her eyes are very large, and round, they have a puppy-eyes look all the time. Her iris is a brown color. She has a long neck. In terms of hairstyle, Newt has two large afro puffs on each side of her head. Normally her hair is wavy, and thick, but she doesn't really maintain it all that well, so it's pretty messy and dirty. Often, Newt has a few stickers of stars on her cheeks, or alternatively, she draws stars on them with a marker.[/indent] I should note that once Newt gets her powers, she'll start getting much more muscular.... [b]Costume:[/b] [indent]Where Jago's costume looks like a motorcross racer, Aisha's costume looks much like a biker. It's a suit made out of the same materials as Jago's costume, and is even a black color with stealth on mind. She has a leather jacket on, and she has things like gloves, boots, and other accessories. She keeps a long bright-red scarf wrapped over her mouth and nose, and she has black tinted goggles over her eyes.[/indent] [b]School clubs or achievements:[/b] [indent]Member of School Gymnastics Team, Apart of the anime club, and member of the music club.[/indent] [b]Brief bio:[/b] Look above.[/hider] I should note that these two are twins.