(I provided names for your monsters- you can change that if you want) The mentors sat back and watched intently as, almost simultaneously, the orbs solidified into the Guardian beasts. Before the first girl that had arrived- the quiet one that would no doubt soon introduce herself as Calette- the orb took on the form of a large flower bud. This bud burst and opened, forming the skirts of a fairy. This fairy stood about a foot tall and spun in the air before her master- seemingly dazed, star dust sprinkling the grass below her. She spotted Calette and, knowingly, smiled and sang out, "Hello hello~ I am Adelaide, pleased to meet you~" [hider=Fairy Princess] [img]http://i57.tinypic.com/10z7eq8.jpg[/img] Adelaide. A fairy-type specializing in healing. She smells of roses and her voice is like soft bell chimes. She's very talkative and can be somewhat mischievous- its her goal to get Calette out of her shell. Of all of the Guardian Beasts she is the most protective of her master at first, acting like an older sister to Calette. [/hider] Beside her the orb floating in front of Altea bristled- large ears burst from it and a long tail flicked out- elongating into a fox-beast. They opened their dark eyes, flicking their blue ears toward Altea. The beast was embroidered with ornate jewelry- the most prominent of which was a ring on her tail. You are to be my master? Her voice rang through Alteas head. I am Blaanid. The Fox of Cyclones. [hider=Cyclone Fox] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/e7/49/e4/e749e4cda6fd31c4e1762a7e698dbdeb.jpg[/img] Blaanid. This beast-type can manipulate the wind around her to strike out at her enemies. She is silent in her movements and is skilled in the area of stealth. She has the ability to telepathically communicate with her master. Of the other Guardian Beasts- Blaanid is the most aloof and is the slowest to trust her master. But once Altea gains her trust- she will have a companion that will lay down her life for her master. [/hider] Her siblings orb flared hot- clearly unstable. Some moments passed and nothing else happened. Tamirlan furrowed his brow, suddenly concerned, but before he could move to do anything- a voice spoke out from the orb, "HOW THE HELL DO YOU WORK THIS THING?!- ah oh wait- shit is this the-SHIT OKAY WAIT-" screeched a voice before the orb burst in flames. A boy threw himself out of them and, fists up and ready, looked about at all the strange faces around him, "The champion of Silturn, Riagan, has arrived!" He caught Lebolants gaze, "Are you my master? HA! Fight me! FIGHT ME RIGHT NOW." [hider=Oni Hooligan] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/ff/50/c1/ff50c1ee8d1990bae43c9786480956b8.jpg[/img] Riagan. This oni-type specializes in small fire bursts that he shoots from his fingers. He fights to solve his problems. His temper is explosive- you'll hear Riagan before you see him. He's a prankster and often gets Lebie in trouble with his shenanigans. The oni loves to make everything a competition and will most likely spark up a rivalry with the toughest looking person around. [/hider] Tamirlan chuckled, relieved. The Oni were always ones for showy entrances and complications. His attention soon fell on the next orb, which floated before Tal. It held a much calmer air than that of Riagans. Vines fell from it and began to lace into one another, forming legs, and then a back- but it was all wrong. It seemed like the shoulders were forming on top of another pair of shoulders. Soon all confusion was cleared, though, as the centaur stood before Tal. In his arms he held a spear. The guardian beast stoically looked down at his master, "Evening... I am Gyuri of the Hemlock Grove." [hider=Forest Guardian] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/03/e8/4c/03e84c33232777ed2a5e574301e78ea8.jpg[/img] Gyuri. A beast-type that not only uses a spear made of root and wood- but who also specializes in using leaves as throwing knives (with the use of wind). This centaur-beast enjoys sharing lore and stories about the forests that cover Senefer with Tal and whoever else would care to listen. Of all of the Guardian Beasts- Gyuri never waivers from the task and always has the goal of training in his mind. [/hider] The sound of gears and steam ran havoc through the orb beside him. Something was being systematically assembled within. A pair of glowing lights tore through the orb and soon the light of the orb faded to show a mechanoid soldier. It towered over his master. A metallic voice rang out as the android assessed its surroundings, "Callibrating systems to enviornment_Downloading necessary survival modems for_Degar Forest Senefer_Cooling units working 100 percent_ all functions updated and working at full capacity." A click and a whir sound were heard, the androids facial sensors turned to their default blue, "kNIGHT-E07 online. Greetings." He turned his face modual down to look at Sai. He scanned her. "Craftknight master identified. Identification saved to data bank. Registration complete." [hider=Sentinel] [img]http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/113/c/7/mechness_by_robotpencil-d4xc4xy.jpg[/img] Meet the Mechanoid Soldier kNIGHT-E07, or kNIGHT for short. He uses a pulse fist attack (which is simply an electrically charged punch which, when developed, can be used to shoot electrical pulses at enemies from long distances). He speaks very little but he is fiercely loyal- to the Law that is. This robot has volumes and volumes of moral, ethical, and judicial code downloaded into his system which he follows sometimes blindly- meaning that he could and will choose the law over his master if they stray from it. [/hider] "uhh- keep in mind that kNIGHT's speech patterns can be modified for your understanding, student." said Tamirlan to Sai, "you simply just have to ask him to change it to something more casual and he will." And finally, the last orb. The air around it was chilled- if you listened close enough, you could hear the popping of ice as the orb crystallized in the heat of the noon day. "Looks like a fairy." called Roque from where he sat. He raised an eyebrow at Jobain before turning his gaze back down on the orb. On cue it burst and shattered into shards of ice. These shards hung in the air and grew- melding together to form a giant. This ice giants face was a simple bone skull- it peered blankly down at Jobain. The ice fairy let out a groan- a haunting sound of stone on stone. It lifted a hand out to Jobain for him to shake. [hider=Ice Golem] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/57/42/29/5742297fe917cb6546c3ab0f16a1e469.jpg[/img] Bacchus. This fairy-type can shape-shift his hands into either fists or... those things. He does not speak. Despite being a crushing machine he has a gentle side- he enjoys watching nature, quite like an awestruck child. His ice-alignment, however, makes it almost impossible for him to deal with fires (candles are fine- but anything larger agitates him). The vocal noises he makes sounds like stones grinding against one another. [/hider] "Oh. This one doesn't speak." Observed Tamirlan. He stood from his seat and approached the students and their beasts, "We'll give you a moment to get to know your companions. If you have any questions- ask me. Or ask them." (Yay everyone got their monsters :'D After this point you can add on to your characters whatever you'd like- they're now completely yours.)