Komada had spent that night in tears. Her head hit the pillow, she waited a few moments, and she began to cry. It was quiet at first, small sniffles and fidgeting as she would move to wipe her eyes, trying not to disturb Hanta or let him hear her. She turned into her pillow as tremors shook her body, the sounds of her sobbing muffled but not silent. She stopped him... She stopped Hanta from helping that boy and just as worse, she hadn't helped... Those wolves were nothing... They could have helped him escape, right? Even if they didn't kill every wolf, they could have saved him if she'd not been such a coward. It was her fault, and that boy had yelled at her best friend for it. She could have confessed her hand in it, but again fear swept over her. This wasn't life... She wanted to go home... To her bed... To the safety of her house, where there weren't wolves or boars or swords... Just as she felt her mind slipping into the darkest of places, she felt something on her back. There was a small noise as a window appeared in front of her, asking if she was being physically harassed. It was a bit cold, but it did issue a small smirk from her as she wiped at her eye, selecting no. She knew without even looking to whom the hand belonged - it was Hanta. A moment later, she was trembling again, but now she felt tethered to something in this world. Not Aincrad or Sword Art Online, no, but something was anchoring her to reality as it was perceived, holding her to the world of emotion and relationship. "I'm sorry," She apologized, "I'm... I'm so weak... But... I want to be stronger," The girl shared rhetorically. She expected and desired no answer as she felt another sob shake her , slowly slipping into a slumber. A part of her felt guilty for having indeed disturbed her best friend, but another part reminded her that he was always there, just as she would be, and it calmed her more so. The girl had no idea how long he'd been there or how long he would wait for her before he went to bed; however, upon waking up, she would find he was already awake. How was he so prompt? Her waking was gentle and her eyes fluttered open again to find Hanta nudging her up, ready to train. She nodded tiredly, sliding off the bed and placing her small, bare feet on the floor, rubbing her eyes. For a moment, she collected herself, doing a full check that she was still where she thought she was. Komada swiped her hand through the air and a menu appeared, which she promptly closed with a sigh... She felt a phantom touching her back and the night before came back to her... She hadn't seen anything, but she could still feel his hand on her back and she gave a soft smile at the pseduo-warmth as she placed her hands together over her heart for the briefest of moments. Really, it would just seem she was clearing her head and reminding herself that this was home. This room in the [I]Skipping Kitties Inn[/I] was where she was living as well as this floating castle in the virtual world. The girl rose to her feet and re-opened her menu, blushing slightly as she waited for Hanta to turn around. It was a bit redundant, but there was a very short second whenever she changed clothes that she [i]felt[/i] exposed. It was when the clothing flashed, even if she was constantly covered, it still seemed slightly violating as she put her armour and rapier on. The girl looked at Hanta as he mumbled, not quite catching what he said to himself as she stepped to him and placed a hand on his arm. "I'll be with you too, Onii-chan," She said quietly with a small smile, looking up slightly at him, feeling so much safer in his presence. ---- In the field, it was amazing how quickly the group could dispatch monsters. Larger ones would be taken on in teams and smaller ones were torn apart with ease. Two girls in particular stood out. They were clearly twins, both sporting short, silky, silver hair and both being of the same height made their paired up fighting rather smooth. One used a curved one-handed sword and brilliantly incorporated the use of thrown weapons in her other hand, seeming to not miss a single moment of fight time. It seemed insanely strenuous and like it required a lot of concentration in order to keep up. In fact, it almost seemed dangerous if one were to lose track of their movements, but her actions held a very noticeable finesse about them as she and her sister took down beast after beast. Komada admired them, but she felt that her sync with Hanta was impressive... Perhaps not quite the very best, but they knew one another and he had showed her how to switch on some of the stronger monsters. It was surprisingly efficient as the group pushed through the first floor, opening a few of the towns for the lower leveled players. In all honesty, the girl was surprised that there were enough monsters to go around without danger to the party, and she was quite grateful for it. She felt like she was a part of something too - it warmed her.