24 Hours Prior A.T.C Headquarters California December 20th 2199 After the ATC Board Meeting President of A.T.C Frank Delahue after the meeting he had gone into his office, he then headed over to his shelf carrying the court papers that Mason had thrown onto the table he went to grab an old bottle of whiskey he had set up on the shelf there. Though the papers did say that he would be able to send a representative, Frank walked back to his desk and pulled out his PDA searching through his various employees until he finally found the perfect person his own personal assistant Anastasia. He then reached over to his personal phone on the desk to call her in. The day so far had been really boring filing the various injury forms, and transfer papers for Mr. Delahue. Anastasia was also reading some emails from her sister over at the Mars facility, hearing the stories her sister was sending made her start to worry and hearing what happened many years ago at that very same science facility made Anna worry about her little sister. She was the only person that she had left both of her parents dying in a horrible accident many years ago, then Anna jumped when she heard her phone ring and reached over to hear that it was Mr. Delahue calling her into his office. "I'll be right there." Anna said then she hung up the phone, the young woman grabbed some papers she needed him to sign and walked into his office seeing him at his desk drinking a bottle of whiskey. "You wanted to see me sir?" Anastasia asked as she stood there holding the small stack of papers. Mr. Delahue looked up at the young woman and nodded. "Yes please sit." Ana nodded slowly as she walked over and pulled up a chair that sat in front of his desk, he then pulled out his copy of the court papers that Mason had handed to each of the board members. "There has been some issues concerning what has been going on at the ATC Mars Facility, though none of the board members are able to go. But I need a representative to go and I believe you do have some family at Mars City and i'm sure you would love to see her." Anastasia sat there silently for a moment staring down at the court papers, it must have been linked to all of the papers that and incidents she has been hearing about for the past year or so now. "Yes I do have a sister there who is working as a doctor." Anna answered, and then watched as Mr. Delahue pulling out a small flashdrive and handed it to her. "I want you to write down anything you think is wrong up there, but there is a scientist up there.. he has become a liability, so I would like you to when you have a chance to put it into his computer and it should take the data out which we need. And do not tell or let the military representative see you do it, you understand?" Anastasia nodded at him. "I got it." Anna said, Mr. Delahue nodded and smiled. "Good the arrangements will be set up tomorrow morning, it will all be sent to your PDA." Present Day Aboard the A.T.C Transport ship Mars 1 On route to Mars Facility Anastasia sat quietly across from Mason, she was making sure that she read through all of the reports correctly, just to bring herself up to speed. She was also listening to a message from her sister saying that she was happy to see her again and promised when she had a free moment they would hangout. Anna took a few moments, her eyes would look up at Mason occasionally noting that he looked like one of those drill sergeants from the military nothing the scar over his face. After finishing reading Anna would look out the window seeing the blackness of space as well as the stars, before finally speaking. "So uh where did you get the scar?" Anna asked trying to make some small talk and get on the mans good side in case he wanted to yell at her for some reason. She didn't know anything about Mason and she didn't get any sort of file on him so she was slightly curious.