Jobain looked up at Bacchus' large form taking in the image of the giant golem who would be his companion and broke out into a wide smile at him. He grabbed the icy hand extended to him and shook the golem's hand as well as patting his shoulder prompting the bigger being to do the same making a bit of a clank as armor and ice met. "Good to meet you big guy." He said quite happy with his new companion who seemed to agree responding in a few short grinds. Jobain saw a good deal that he liked in Bacchus such as the simplicity of his form and manner which seemed to mirror his own. Sure he could talk where the golem couldn't but it wasn't necessary for two souls like them who obviously spoke more with actions than words. It didn't take long to notice his fascination with the other beings of the other recruits who also were interesting to the shield-bearer who looked along side the golem at the other companions. The ice being tapped his armor after a moment before backing up slightly to hold up his hands to show him that he could shape his hands into what looked like large morning stars or maces which held the recruit attention realizing his companion would fight much like him crushing and bashing opposition, he showed Bacchus his shield to which the golem seemed to approve lightly dinging his hands together before shifting them back to normal. "Mind if I call you Bacchus?" Jobain asked thinking of a name off the top of his head for the large fairy which got what sounded as close to a grunt of agreement as the golem could manage. "Great. I think it fits you well. You like watching the others too huh? I'm sure they'll like you, hard not to like a big friendly person or fairy." The two seemed rather relaxed between one another all things considered both liking what they found neither able to think of much to explain to the other about each other. Jobain did give an amused look to Roque as he had noticed the glance from before, not focused on it but it wasn't hard to see, and a more pleased look to Tamirlan for helping to get Bacchus there. The ice fairy seemed curious as to the amused look but didn't make a big deal out of it though he gave a wave to the Summoner just to be friendly because he seemed nice and Jobain's reaction prompted him to make his presence felt if only a little for such a big golem.