Revan Revan payed little attention to the crow that landed on his shoulder, instantly able to tell it wasn't a normal crow for three reasons. One, crows didn't just land on people's shoulders, Two, Animals never willingly got near him if they could help it, and Three, crow breath didn't smell of blood, at least not how this one's did. It was a faint scent, but he was much too familiar with it miss even a molecule lf it's stench. But even the strange bird's arrival couldn't take his attention of the pathetic display this boy was putting on. And all of thiswas from one fucking cup of Vodka?!?! "You know what, fuck this." Revan grab the boy by the back of his shirt and lifted him up, then pulled his pants up in a quick, non-too-gentle manner, then zipped the zipper and dropped the boy. Putting a hand on Iyo's shoulder, he then began to force him outside, shoving him forward roughly while he kept him on his feet. "A boy your age being this much lightweight is physically painful to watch, so ou're coming with me and we're going to trainyou up until you can drink with the best of them. Now come on then, to the bars!" Revan would then take Iyo, along with the crow and Eli is they chose to follow, on a crazy barhopping run that would circle the city, taking them a few hours to come full circle back to the party. Revan was easily able to convince patrons and owners that the minor(s) following himwas of the drinking age, and they'd all have a merry time . . .probably. ((OOC: Basically, my way to keep this conversation going past the timeskip, Revan takes some kids out to barhop for a few hours before they come back to the party, after the timeskip.)) [@Unfortunately] [@Destinyfailhorror17] [@LowKey123]