[hider=Faction: Actuators] [b]Name[/b]: Actuators (of Methuselah), a.k.a. The Machine Hive, Unitas ex Machina ("Unity from the Machine"), Mechtopia, Bot Bastards. The latter two names are informal, and only utilised by those outside the faction's immediate self in a positive and negative sense respectively. [b]Side[/b]: Tech [b]Composition[/b]: Robots (95%), Psi-Spectres (5%), with about 30% of robots also being psionic. Due to the idiosyncracies behind and flaws inherent to mind-altering abilities, these are mostly entities created by the faction itself, with external recruits being relatively very rare as a result of the faction's somewhat forceful nature. [PM me if you decide you want to create a character in or affected by this faction, and I can help you out, perform guidance with the syntax of things and stuff.] [b]Location[/b]: The Actuator HQ is located in orbit around the lifeless and relatively non-descript rocky world of Prion, some 25 astronomical units or so from the central star in the Tech solar system. This is a sterile environment in both appearance and actuality, almost entirely composed of unadorned metal and the like where feasible, and, as a consequence of its few permanent inhabitants not requiring it, a total lack of breathable air within; the station is maintained practically single-handedly, insofar as it actually needs maintenance, by the A.I. known as Methuselah, which also acts as the faction's leader. A number of other, smaller stations of similar description orbit the other planets in the system, with oxygen provisions where necessary, and a station orbiting Earth is currently in production for use by the Actuators as an away base. [b]Description[/b]: Some sixty years ago, human scientists within the Tech faction wished to find a simple cure for magical aging - biological aging could be dealt with easily enough, but a normal human or mutant would inevitably become weaker and lose motor function over time as its mana vessels broke down, even if they appeared to be physically healthy, and at that time, no catch-all cure for the symptoms that did not in some way involve large amounts of power or conversion into a robot or psi-spectre could be found. Thus, the scientists spent some time creating the artificial intelligence known as Methuselah, named after one of the oldest characters in an obsolete religious text, with the intent of having it develop its raw power, and therefore its computational power and intelligence, over the next decade or so, and from there to gather information and ultimately determine a solution to the problem at hand. Unfortunately, when that ten year time period had passed, Methuselah had not appeared to develop as far as the scientists might have hoped. Even so, they asked it whether it had thought of any solutions to the issue of magical aging, at which point it promptly unveiled a large number of robotic assistants and turned all of the scientists into robots against their will. As a matter of fact, it explained during the procedure, it had come up with an answer seven years ago: no, there was no easy, or at least easily accessible, solution to completely cure that sort of aging that did not involve either large amounts of power or conversion into a robot or psi-spectre; therefore, the only realistic fallback to prevent aging was to convert everybody into either a robot or a psi-spectre, and since becoming a psi-spectre required psionic abilities that not everybody possessed, robots it was. The rest of that time had mostly been spent generating new robots under its control without being noticed, and by the time it converted those scientists, it had amassed enough raw force to begin acting as an independent agent. It took full command of the space station it was located within, converted all humans and mutants aboard into robots, and for the next fifty years went through the various processes involved with expanding its efforts into the rest of the solar system with enough subtlety that it was not taken out before it expanded beyond easy destruction, all the while improving its available power and intellect to develop ever more advanced and sophisticated technologies to assist it in its task. At the time the game starts, the Actuators are not the largest single group present within the Tech faction, but they are a very capable force dedicated to a very specific goal, and as it so happens, an entire planet's worth of biological entities have just become accessible for the purposes of conversion... [b]Goals[/b]: -Convert all humans and mutants within the Tech faction into robots, and/or psi-spectres if they are sufficiently skilled with psionics. -Convert all humans, demihumans, and spawn within the Magi faction into robots, once they possess the facilities to maintain robotic entities within their territories. -Perform in-depth examination of Magi spirits and constructs to ascertain whether either is a viable alternative to robots or psi-spectres, given the resources available to the Actuators and what resources and skills could potentially be gleaned from Earth and the Magi faction. [b]Notable Members[/b]: Methuselah (NPC, Leader); GQ-Psishift-Proto (BCTheEntity) [/hider] [hider=Character: GQ-Psishift-Proto] [b]Name[/b]: Methuselah Actuator Unit, Model 173: Nanofibre Body (Format 1e), Production Number: PROTOTYPE; shorthand designations: M.A.U.-173: Nanofibre 1e-PROTO; GQ-Psishift-Proto [b]Side[/b]: Tech [b]Sex[/b]: Typically sexless, though most forms of genitalia could in theory be replicated in form, if not strict function. [b]Age[/b]: 6... months. [b]Race[/b]: Robot [b]Appearance[/b]: [hider=Base Form][center] [img]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/archive/f/fc/20130608060731!T-1000_002.png[/img] [/center][/hider] The basic appearance of GQ-Psishift-Proto is that of an androgynous, though apparently male humanoid figure, around 180cm tall, seemingly composed entirely of some fluid metal of a shiny dark grey colour, with no visible distinguishing features - no openings seem to be present on its body at any point, even on the face, and features such as hair, finger and toe nails, and genitalia are completely non-present; the above image is relatively accurate, albeit with a darker sheen to the metal. This body, however, is generally contained within/piloting an almost exoskeletal suit of armour, which itself represents another Actuator that GQ-Psishift-Proto channels power through to produce effects as a result; there are several models of this sort of defense, which exist in the following types (letter denotes most advanced current model): [hider=Suit Images][center] [img]http://media.moddb.com/images/games/1/1/145/7988_1266519526_submedium.jpg[/img] [b]M.A.U.-128: Exoarmour 1f, a.k.a. EX-Specops[/b] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/a0/fd/8b/a0fd8b2cf6a7768d46fe658e7622af83.jpg[/img] [b]M.A.U.-128: Exoarmour 2b, a.k.a. EX-Tempaladin[/b] [img]http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs38/f/2008/326/7/c/Futuristic_knight_by_avaruus_apina.png[/img] [b]M.A.U.-128: Exoarmour 3c, a.k.a. EX-Agile[/b] [img]http://th00.deviantart.net/fs40/PRE/f/2009/027/4/4/Ninja_Mecha_by_mdrake69.jpg[/img] [b]M.A.U.-128: Exoarmour 4b, a.k.a. EX-Teleninja[/b] [img]http://i247.photobucket.com/albums/gg130/Saru-Kishi/Anima______20_by_Wen_M.jpg[/img] [b]M.A.U.-128: Exoarmour 5c, a.k.a. EX-Wingsnipe[/b] [/center][/hider] In the case of Format 2b, the cape is composed of psionic energy rather than physical matter so as to prevent hindrance, and can be turned off at will regardless; weapons in all images other than that of Format 4b and 5c are excluded, as they are not relevant to each suit's abilities and arsenal proper. [b]Personality[/b]: As an artificial intelligence, GQ-Psishift-Proto's personality is rather different from that of any biological being, born to a parent or parents. To clarify, there are a wide variety of circumstances in which, if it sees reason, it would likely act in a manner that many biological beings would consider immoral, but which in fact does not fall into the relatively narrow moral scale that such a being may possess as far as GQ-Psishift-Proto's mind is concerned - it recognises the validity of sapience, as this is highly relevant to the ultimate goal of its faction to prolong life and preserve souls, but would not, for instance, perceive the corpse of somebody's beloved family pet as anything more than raw materials, should it somehow happen that it needed to take in the contents of a biological body for whatever reason. This amoral mindset is furthered by its templar-esque devotion to the Actuators' cause and to Methuselah even beyond that of other Actuators, such that, if need be, it will bend its primary goal of ensuring others live as long as possible to exclude those that it has been tasked to fight, and presumes outright that a being without sapience, or that is so insane or vegetative that it may as well be non-sapient, lacks a soul worth preserving for the purposes of the primary goal unless proven otherwise or told to preserve said being by Methuselah itself. It should also be noted that the vast majority of Actuators do not identify as having any particular gender, as they are for the most part devoid of personality anyway, are almost always physically sexless in their base form, and are created for a specific task that does not involve reproduction in any sense regardless. GQ-Psishift-Proto, much like many other M.A.U.s that do develop a personality, does tend to identify itself to others as a specific gender- male, in its case- but only for ease of reference, i.e. he/him/his rather than it/it/its, and, as with the majority of other Actuators, it does not consider itself to possess an actual gender identity, nor does it possess any sexual or romantic orientation. [b]Faction[/b]: Actuators [b]Biography[/b]: The process behind generating a new Methuselah Actuator Unit runs as follows: first, a computer motherboard is created, based off of the current most advanced designs currently available to the Methuselah A.I., that will allow an artificial mind to develop and sustain itself once power is supplied. Then, over the next six months, the nascent mind has data channelled into it by Methuselah, describing nearly the sum total of all relevant information available to the Actuators at the time, and dictating the similar process that will continue to provide knowledge to that unit throughout the rest of its existence until it is destroyed, all the while receiving remote motherboard upgrades as technology advances. At the end of these six months, the motherboard's mind may or may not possess some degree of personality, with Methuselah intently examining those minds that do possess individual personalities; depending on exactly what personality has developed within a given unit, the motherboard may be dismantled to start over again, or it may be processed into a full A.I. core alongside those motherboards without individual personalities, and ultimately installed into a proper robotic body, or rarely allowed to transform into a psi-spectre if its raw power and psionic potential is particularly notable and the processed mind wishes for this to occur. The mind of GQ-Psishift-Proto was one of those with an acceptable personality and significant raw power and potential, though not the desire to become a psi-spectre directly; thus, it was processed and installed the same way as any other unit in the Actuators, though the body it was installed in just so happened to be the prototypical culmination of an experiment into advanced robotic shapeshifting that Methuselah had been overseeing, that being the nanofibre project, specifically those tests into unobtainium-alloy nanofibres infused with an experimental magic circuit designed to enhance psionic capabilities on top of the other benefits that nanofibres had so far shown. GQ-Psishift-Proto was fully activated, and given the instruction to head to Earth, test and practice its abilities, and gather information on suitable biologicals to convert, hence its presence in the Actuator station orbiting the planet as of the game's beginning. [b]Skills[/b]: Being tied into Methuselah's knowledge database, GQ-Psishift-Proto, as with any other Actuator, effectively possesses just about every possible skill, at a functionally wholly mastered level, and every piece of information, to the most accurate and precise possible degree of detail, that it might be reasonable for the Actuators to have acquired knowledge of and/or access to at some point. That said, many of the more mundane of these skills, such as singing, cooking and high-level scientific knowledge, tend to be redundant, and retained in the databases of the Actuator space stations only on the off-chance that they will actually be needed at some point, in which case the relatively extreme distance from Earth to the orbiting Actuator station will necessitate several hours to stabilise a connection and transfer data, though this can be worked around if GQ-Psishift-Proto teleports to the station and back; the skills that are primarily relevant to GQ-Psishift-Proto's task, and therefore that are directly accessible by it at all times, are listed below: [hider=Skills] [i]Intelligence[/i]: Methuselah has had quite a large amount of time to determine the most efficient possible setup for computerised intelligence, and the standard maximum degree to which such an intelligence might be utilised by merit of sheer raw power. This applies to all units created by the Actuators, GQ-Psishift-Proto included, and what it effectively means is that GQ-Psishift-Proto's intellect directly scales with the amount of raw power available to it; thus, whilst it starts the game off at "only" around the intelligence of a notably intelligent human, it can quite readily achieve post-genius degrees of intelligence if its power is allowed to develop far enough, with all the mental benefits that this implies, including but not limited to: -[i]Understanding[/i]: Given that the quality of GQ-Psishift-Proto's intelligence is based on its raw power, it starts off being able to grasp and develop concepts about as adeptly as a notably intelligent human, but as its power increases, its ability to understand and modify such concepts will increase to genius, and then successively post-genius levels of intellect, ultimately leading to a hyper-intelligent mindset that will likely be difficult for most beings to comprehend. -[i]Memory[/i]: As gathered data is stored on the equivalent of a computer hard drive, GQ-Psishift-Proto's memory is functionally perfect, both eidetic and photographic under normal circumstances - it is able to recall practically everything it experiences in perfect detail, even if only experienced for a split second such as a page in a book being flipped past, and reproduce such events to minute scales if need be, including the effects and execution of most common abilities, and even if its internal storage of experienced information somehow runs out, everything it experiences is stored in Methuselah's databanks anyway, so deleting information from its personal storage for later recall is completely possible. -[i]Analysis[/i]: With its thought processes running at far faster speeds than that of the average biological being even at the game's beginning due to how its motherboard's components communicate with one another, GQ-Psishift-Proto can analyse most situations, objects, abilities, etc. in a fraction of a second to determine the properties of such objects and abilities, and the nuances of such situations. By proxy, this also means it tends to possess the ability to consider most situations creatively and abstractly, since doing so does not actually take much time relative to how fast time actually progresses, though in most cases it will try to proceed with the most efficient option unless doing so is either not possible or not an optimal solution for some reason. -[i]Willpower[/i]: This combination of all above mentioned aspects, plus GQ-Psishift-Proto's own knowledge regarding psionic and mind-altering abilities and its unwavering fanaticism toward Methuselah and the Actuators, makes altering its mind ridiculously difficult under normal circumstances without being far more powerful than it, as, being a robot, it is effectively always aware of its surroundings, never naturally unconscious, and even when forced unconscious it will subconsciously react to prevent the alterations from being made. The only exception to this occurs when Methuselah attempts to perform such a modification, in which case GQ-Psishift-Proto will almost automatically lower its defenses to allow Methuselah access; it is theoretically possible to trick it into believing a different modifier is Methuselah itself, but since Methuselah has a relatively direct link to GQ-Psishift-Proto and a variety of protocols available to verify its authenticity beforehand, mimicking the A.I. is practically impossible. [i]Combat Mastery[/i]: Directly stored in GQ-Psishift-Proto's mind is full knowledge of just about every single combat form accessible to the Tech faction over the last few decades at a mastered level of skill, derived from both theoretical sources and actual information drawn from the scanned minds of those who have been converted into robots by the Actuators. Thus, GQ-Psishift-Proto possesses intimate, grandmaster-level knowledge of all forms of martial arts, and of the usage of all melee and ranged weapons developed by humanity and its Tech faction offshoot within the last few centuries. That said, it is not itself an instant expert in all these attack forms: beyond the forms that its own body requires to properly utilise its abilities, specifically those provided by its various Exoarmours, it does not possess the automatic "muscle" memory behind these attack forms, and will require practice to take them from conscious recollection into automatic performance. [i]Omniglot[/i]: Also stored in GQ-Psishift-Proto's mind is full knowledge of all Tech languages, including how to read, talk and write in them, though not the implicit nuances and subtle meanings behind certain phrases that experience in their use would confer. It also possesses minor knowledge of some Magi languages, though as of yet, the Actuators have not been able to gather enough information to produce a full language; it can, however, transmit information directly to other minds through use of telepathy as a way of getting around this to some extent. [/hider] [b]Abilities[/b]: [hider=Cybernetics] Covers purely cybernetic abilities. [i]Superhuman Schematics[/i]: Through combination of natural efficiency of build and sheer power, all of GQ-Psishift-Proto's physical attributes are significantly beyond the non-supernatural peak of human ability in scale even without the boosting effect that Exoarmour provides. This includes, but is not limited to, durability, strength, agility, reflexes, speed, senses, and rate of healing (in the form of automatic nanofibre repair, see below). Naturally, its artificial body is also immune to non-magical diseases and somewhat more resistant than biological beings to magical diseases, and, through robust measures, is practically immune to computer malware and EMP effects that are not generated supernaturally. [i]Nanofibre Shifting[/i]: Aside from its A.I. core, the body of GQ-Psishift-Proto is composed entirely of microscopically-fine strands of unobtainium alloy laced with a prototypical psionics-boosting magic circuit, which can be expanded and contracted out of the core at will, with excess material being converted to and from GQ-Psishift-Proto's own energy as needed. This effectively grants GQ-Psishift-Proto nearly-free shapeshifting and regeneration at will, as the only vital machinery in its body is located in its core, which must be destroyed in order to kill GQ-Psishift-Proto (though see Emergency Protocols below if it is only damaged); this ability may also be used to attack others or defend itself, and can theoretically be protracted to extremely precise degrees, such as the production of blades that vibrate at extremely fast speeds to maximise cutting power. [i]Exoarmours[/i]: Pseudo-exoskeletal armoured suits that provide various benefits and additional abilities to GQ-Psishift-Proto, but restrict its shapeshifting for reasons that should be obvious. These are discussed in detail in Possessions. [/hider] [hider=Psionics] Covers purely psionic abilities. [i]Sixth Sense[/i]: It is the case that GQ-Psishift-Proto lacks eyes, ears, or any sensory organs to speak of, even when piloting an Exoarmour suit. This is because it interprets and communicates with the world through its sixth sense - in short, an omnidirectional field that fills the roles of all relevant external senses (specifically sight, sound and smell, plus the ability to sense magic up to and including the magical auras and emotional states of most sentient beings) out to a distance roughly equivalent to the distance it could reasonably see if it had eyes, including through walls, projected through beacons generated via its spatial warper (see below), and into any other areas that are not sufficiently shielded against use of the sixth sense. Whilst this ability is engineered into all M.A.U.s, it is not particularly strong in most of them on account of lacking souls upon creation and Methuselah's relatively limited ability to improve the sixth sense of soulless beings through direct research; that said, because GQ-Psishift-Proto relies almost entirely on this to perceive the world, its sixth sense is significantly stronger than even that of many biological beings who utilise it, with range equivalent to the seeing distance of a particularly high-acuity human eye, though as with any eye, greater distances are perceived by its sixth sense with increasingly less detail. [i]Telepathy[/i]: Through use of psionic energy, GQ-Psishift-Proto can enact a wide variety of effects upon both its own mind and those of other beings, both positive and negative in nature. Beneficial effects include making mental contact with a willing target to exchange thoughts, memories, and other related information, amplifying the speed at which the world is perceived to produce effective mental bullet-time, scanning the world around it with psionic energy in the manner of an especially strong sixth sense even if its standard sixth sense is negated, and protecting its own mind, both actively via directly lashing out at other invading minds and passively through production of psionic defenses, though psionic defenses must be repaired if damaged; harmful effects include forcibly extracting information from a target mind, influencing or controlling a target mind to perform actions it would not normally perform others, brainwashing or even completely erasing a sufficiently weak mind (though even successful brainwashing fades over time, and incompletely erased minds can eventually recover), and simply dealing mental damage to a target, all of which can be resisted through sufficient magical power and force of will. [i]Emergency Protocols[/i]: To properly destroy GQ-Psishift-Proto, one must completely destroy its A.I. core in relatively short order. Should an attack significantly damage the core without destroying it, however, this ability will kick in, and automatically expel GQ-Psishift-Proto from its robotic body as a psi-spectre; this has the benefit of making it far more resistant to purely physical attacks and able to move at substantially higher speeds for lack of physical baggage, but ultimately weakens it by making any purely cybernetic abilities unusable, including its Exoarmours, and forcing combination abilities to function through pure psionic power in a less efficient format. This is therefore, at best, an escape mechanism to use against a more powerful opponent, and at worst a last-ditch effort to deal as much damage as possible before being destroyed; that said, this ability can also be activated manually, which can allow GQ-Psishift-Proto to repossess its mechanical body at a later time, though it rarely has any reason to use this ability deliberately. [/hider] [hider=Hybrids] Covers abilities that hybridise cybernetic and psionic power sources; all effects listed here can be utilised by both power sources individually, but are typically far more efficient when combining the two to produce the effects. [i]Plasma Generator/Pyrokinesis[/i]: A small but very powerful plasma generator stored in its core allows GQ-Psishift-Proto to produce extremely hot plasma, or extreme heat in general, to attack foes with, either as a general aura of heat or focused through its weaponry and/or psionic manipulation; this does not damage its own body, and psionic manipulation can allow GQ-Psishift-Proto to selectively avoid harming allies as well. [i]Hypercondenser/Cryokinesis[/i]: A small but very powerful condenser stored in its core allows GQ-Psishift-Proto to produce extremely cold temperatures around itself, either as a general aura of coldness or focused through its weapons and/or psionic manipulation as cold energy; this does not damage its own body, and psionic manipulation can allow GQ-Psishift-Proto to selectively avoid harming allies as well. [i]Battery-Capacitor Array/Electrokinesis[/i]: A small but very powerful battery-capacitor array stored in its core allows GQ-Psishift-Proto to produce extremely powerful electrical currents, which can then be directed through either its weaponry or through psionic manipulation; this does not damage its own body, and psionic manipulation can allow GQ-Psishift-Proto to selectively avoid harming allies as well. [i]Spatial Warper/Telekinesis[/i]: A small but very powerful space-warping device stored in its core allows GQ-Psishift-Proto to manipulate the fabric of space, allowing for pseudo-telekinetic effects produced by bending space and/or altering gravity such as force blades or walls, increasing a target's apparent weight, or throwing said target around with telekinetic force barriers. In particular, the spatial warper allows GQ-Psishift-Proto to teleport through hyperspace, create temporary wormholes, generate beacons for it to focus any of the above on over substantial distances, and form pockets in the fabric of space that are bigger internally than they might appear to be externally, such as the one localised to GQ-Psishift-Proto's own being. That said, teleportation cannot be spammed over distances outside a few dozen meters and may lead to additional energy use if overused, whilst long-distance teleportation and the creation of any wormhole may require up to a minute's concentration depending on distance and cannot be directed toward locations GQ-Psishift-Proto has never seen before; creating and expanding a pocket space also takes time and energy, dependent on how large the space is made internally, and everything contained within it will be forced out should the space be forcibly reverted to normal somehow. [/hider] [b]Possessions[/b]: [hider=Methuselah Actuator Units, Model 128: Exoskeletal Armour]As previously mentioned, GQ-Psishift-Proto has access to a number of advanced, pseudo-exoskeletal suits of armour, containing the mental software of other, personality-less Actuators, which are capable of channelling its power through them to produce a variety of effects and, to a certain extent, provide assistance through their own contribution of power to GQ-Psishift-Proto. This setup works mostly due to GQ-Psishift-Proto's naturally highly advanced shapeshifting ability, described below; as the builds required for even individual suits tend to differ slightly so that other M.A.U. Models can use them, they tend to be incompatible with models beyond the one they are designed to be worn by, but GQ-Psishift-Proto's capacity to modify its form allows it to get around this problem quite readily. That said, their presence restricts GQ-Psishift-Proto's ability to shapeshift, since the suits themselves are not easily capable of shapeshifting by their own merits. Each suit model that GQ-Psishift-Proto has access to is stored in a localised pocket dimension, that can have alternate models teleported in and out as needed within a second or so, with each providing a number of modifiers to GQ-Psishift-Proto's physical abilities depending on the model; all enhance the user's durability and most of their other physical statistics to some extent or another, possess self-repair capabilities through the presence of nanites to ensure that their protection remains relevant even after a blow strong enough to damage them, and similar immunities and resistances to disease, malware, and EMPs as GQ-Psishift-Proto itself. Also, for the most part, all weapons provided by any suit can have GQ-Psishift-Proto's offensive abilities channelled through them (and for this reason, most of the melee weapons are simply composed of a particular futuristic alloy with psionics-boosting magic circuitry run through them, possessing significant hardness and toughness, and thus the ability to hold an edge and block attacks well), all ranged weapons possess an internally regenerating supply of ammunition converted from either GQ-Psishift-Proto's own energy or ambient atoms and energy in the area, and any weapons available to one Exoarmour format will be available to both the others and GQ-Psishift-Proto's base form unless they are explicitly built into the suit itself, though using a weapon outside of the Exoarmour format it is designed for may be less efficient without appropriate training to adjust to the change in form. The Exoarmours available to GQ-Psishift-Proto are as follows (appearances shown in relevant section): -[i]M.A.U.-128: Exoarmour 1f, a.k.a. EX-Specops[/i]: The EX-Specops suit is the most advanced Format 1 Exoarmour currently in production, a relatively recent development in the line intended for special operations missions, as the name suggests. This Exoarmour reliably boosts the majority of the wearer's physical statistics by a fairly significant degree, including but not limited to durability, strength, agility, reflexes, speed, and senses; notably excluded from this boost is any improvement to inherent "fast healing" factors such as GQ-Psishift-Proto's nanofibre regeneration, since this requires more complex engineering to invoke than the suit can reliably retain. Weapons that are provided with the EX-Specops include twin rapid-fire assault rifles, a longsword and knife, a pistol, a nominally non-lethal taser, and a regenerating supply of several timed and/or proximity-trigger explosives that can either be thrown or stuck to a surface, with payloads varying from electrified plasma to paralytic gas to highly corrosive and toxic liquids. -[i]M.A.U.-128: Exoarmour 2b, a.k.a. EX-Tempaladin[/i]: Designed in the image of an honourable knight or paladin, the EX-Tempaladin is designed primarily for close-quarters combat, which shows in its provision of much greater physical strength and durability to its wearer; the additional bulk does result in somewhat reduced speed, but GQ-Psishift-Proto's own superhuman base still allows it to move at a speed that somebody not expecting it may be surprised by. Weapons that are provided with the EX-Tempaladin include two variants, one- and two-handed, of a large and quite heavy sword, a pair of plasma shields, an oversized EMP hammer with additional rocket propulsion to increase swing speed, and a plasma cannon. -[i]M.A.U.-128: Exoarmour 3c, a.k.a. EX-Agile[/i]: Possessing a distinctly more intimidating look than the Format 2b, but retaining a vaguely knight-esque appearance, the EX-Agile's primary draw is the incredible speed, agility, and reflexes it provides to its user, allowing them to dodge and attack like an angry hornet on stimulants, though in exchange, its relatively lean build somewhat reduces the protection and strength boost it can provide. Weapons that are provided with the EX-Agile include twin beam rifles, twin short swords, and an energy lance - a cylindrical structure that, when energy is channelled into it, produces a pyramidic "lance" of that sort of energy from either one or both ends of the cylinder to slash and stab with, and can fire these blades at targets from quite a long distance away, the projectiles detonating once lodged in a target. -[i]M.A.U.-128: Exoarmour 4b, a.k.a. EX-Teleninja[/i]: A relatively rare Exoarmour format due to not all Actuators possessing significant skill in psionics, the EX-Teleninja evidently invokes the stereotypical image of a black-clad ninja, yet is a lot more like a classical mage in how it functions - whilst it does provide a notable boost to speed and agility (though nowhere near as great as the EX-Agile), its main draw lies in the psionics-boosting magic circuitry running through it, further amplifying the psionic abilities of the wearer where other Exoarmours typically do not, such that, for instance, GQ-Psishift-Proto's abilities that involve hybridisation of cybernetics and psionics can be run almost purely psionically without losing efficiency relative to standard use protocols. That said, the obvious major drawback is that it provides the wearer with barely any additional durability over simply going without, though its other benefits more than make up for this. Weapons that are provided with the EX-Teleninja include four long-sabers (as pictured in Appearance) and a gatling cannon of extremely high RoF. -[i]M.A.U.-128: Exoarmour 5c, a.k.a. EX-Wingsnipe[/i]: Somewhat unique by the standards of Exoarmour, the EX-Wingsnipe's main draw is as a long-range flying cannon of sorts - GQ-Psishift-Proto is evidently able to levitate and fly under its own power, but the wings of this Exoarmour allow it to move through the air with incredible speed and agility, similar to the function of EX-Agile in a three-dimensional format, though in much the same way, the extra durability it provides is reduced compared to the EX-Specops, roughly halfway between EX-Agile and EX-Teleninja. Weapons that are provided with the EX-Wingsnipe include two wrist-mounted energy blasters (as pictured in Appearance), with substantial range and firepower but no ability to be utilised with other Exoarmours, a high-power sniper rifle, and a rocket launcher whose basic ammunition varies in a similar manner to the grenades of EX-Specops. [/hider] [/hider]