[color=gold][b]"So uh where did you get the scar?"[/b][/color] [color=orange]Mason open his eye's idly as he heard the question pop up about the claw marks down the side of his head, he signed almost instinctively as he looked at the young woman. Truthfully Mason did not like when people asked about the scars on his head, the wound did not bother him at least not when others looked at it. However he did not like recounting the incident in which caused him to get the wound or the pain he suffered when it was healing. Most people knew well enough not to brace the subject, well people in his unit anyways, it had sort of become what you might call a taboo question among the ranks. All new recruits were always warned against asking about it, mostly because Mason would give them so much extra duty for asking they wished they were dead. But Mason did not feel anger towards the young woman from asking, how would she know anyways? [b]"Its a long story... Anastasia, if I may call you that. A story in which I do not like to recount for a lot of personal reasons of my own."[/b] Mason looked at Anastasia again and could see a tad bit of discomfort in his eye's, most likely due to the fact that he did not look like the most nicest of people. It was just the way old soldiers became after years of being in the military, it was a sad fact but most men who survived long enough to make it this far more often then not became desensitized to the most gruesome of things. It was the only real way to get through the day some times with the memories, and it did not help that the A.T.C staff often characterized Mason as a hard man to know, a man who spits acid at just the simplest of questions. Then again Mason considered a lot of the A.T.C staff a bunch of snobby money hungry worms. So it was a two way road in most respects, but Mason truly did not think this young woman really knew all that much about him, so it was doubtful she had heard any of the hearsay. [b]"I am not sure what you know about me, and a lot of stories tend to fly around when my name is involved. But I can assure you that I am here just like you to make sure things at the Research Facility on Mars are safe. A lot of the board members are under the illusion that I am a reincarnation of General Hanzs and I am carrying on his vendetta against the A.T.C. But like everything else it is just a lot of talk, I am not sure why you got this assignment or why one of the board members did not choose to directly come to Mars themselves. But I am here only to ensure that life on the base remains threat free, end of story.[/b] Mason became silent again after that as he may have sounded just a tad bit defensive in his speaking. Looking away back out the window he spoke again a bit softer to try and lighten and possible tension. [b]"Seeming that we have broken the silence now, what do you know of whats been happening at the Mars Facility, we might as well get the possible questions out of the way and be on the same page before we arrive."[/b][/color]