[quote=@71342] [@JohnSolaris] [hider=My Hider] [/hider] Read the character you typed out, it feels very "writer's self fulfIlment" in style and an exact Mary sue. That can never be good in most roleplays. I'm leaving. [/quote] This makes me wonder if you know what a Mary Sue actually is, and if you just throw that phrase out to describe any character you don't like. My character obviously has very significant flaws, he does not automatically succeed at everything he tries to do, other characters don't automatically like him for no apparent reason, and he certainly isn't going to warp the whole plot to fit him. Yes, he's wish fulfillment, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing if the character is also well-written and has interesting, meaningful conflicts. If you just don't like any kind of wish fulfillment, period, then that's just you. If you're leaving just because of this, without even seeing the character in action, go ahead. I can't force you to change your views if they don't agree with mine. Edit: I just did a pretty well-known [url=http://www.springhole.net/writing/marysue.htm]Mary Sue test[/url] for my character, and ended up getting 20 points, which says that he has a low chance of being a Mary Sue. No, of course the test isn't foolproof. But it should be somewhat helpful, at least. I do think I know what I'm doing, so if you think my character is a Mary Sue just because of the wish fulfillment, well, it's just your opinion.