[color=ed1c24][b]CIS = Character Induced Stupidity PIS = Plot Induced Stupidity[/b] [/color] PIS is off right now. CIS however is on for the villains and everyone. Note that Level 5's, strong characters etc is applied by this rule to make sure the story is interesting. Too much common sense kills and leaves no fun, too much stupidity is no fun either. This rule balances it out. [h3]Striking Back with full force![/h3] The events that wrought upon our heroes is more than pleasing to the person who watches them from afar, the expressions, the struggles; it was all due to Marcus. He is the very ideal bait and mole that makes the instruments move in its own accord, the clowns and skill out are all working together in spite of teeth clenched teamwork, the Akurans are still not on the move. One who adheres to his entertainment will move the mountains and break it like a domino. [hider=Mocha Dreams]A flash of light in Mocha Dreams occurs briefly and has taken Aria out of the vicinity, dropping her to an unknown place that seemed to be District 22. All that is left is Kishiko, Kei, Sasaki, Bang, and Yuuma. A telepathic voice communicates through Bang's head and is none other than Judgement Captain, Kinoshita Toshiki who is ear the place; [color=fff200]"Listen to me Constantine. This is Judgement Captain, Kinoshita Toshiki of Hybrid Academy. The situation is not pleasant but I need you to cooperate with me now. Please follow my instructions, Nishihara Mei will meet you. Get as many people out of there to safety. I'll distract the clowns now go!"[/color] Shiki instructed Bang with his plan and as much as he dislikes to be involved in this mess, it was in fact Judgement matter and Ria's fault for operating behind all of our backs, level 5's who knew they abuse their rites. The fight begins taking down clowns as Yuuma charges at them and knocking the clowns out cold with his body of metal. He flirts with Kishiko rather teases her,[color=39b54a] "Hey, long time no see, let's crash later after we get out of here."[/color] he smiled at Kishiko. [color=00a651]"I know you're there Rogue Esper, I can feel every fiber of metalic substance in your jet pack. Surrender before anyone else gets hurt!"[/color] Yuuma dares as he wasted no time to throw in metal shaped toothpicks. [@NarayanK] For Bang and Flesh dude.[/hider] [hider=Kirigaoka][h3]Meanwhile in Kirigaoka.....[/h3] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1b4o0Q4qY7A]Tsurara Twins theme[/url] A [color=0072bc][b]"girl"[/b][/color] in the standard uniform of the girls school, this trap is Marcus of Skill Out. He was gender bent by Taiki's powers except Yuki because he was such a masochist. An air field is formed around Kaname as Marcus grapples her to the ground and an ice field is formed and Taiki throws themselves back to the room where Hibiki is. Taiki is gender bent, and is enjoying it, Ria tells him to shut up. Yuki wants to be shut up as well but Ria beg to differ. The twin sisters reunion was full of misunderstandings to come.[color=00a99d] "I can't believe you let Nagisa come all the way here, you imbecile. But that's not what's important right now. I need your help."[/color] She said with a forceful attitude and authority as usual, that's Ria for us but no, it was a clone. Then the real Ria comes in and looks down with a smirk on Kaname, [color=00aeef]"I've told you this before, I am always one step ahead, Kaname."[/color] Striking parallel to when they were kids, a younger version of Ria says to the younger Kaname the same thing; [u][i][color=00aeef]"I've told you this before Kana! I'm always one step ahead!"[/color][/i][/u] Such nostalgia. Taiki on the other hand is just smiling;[color=00a651][i] "So this is Ria's twin sister."[/i][/color] He thought to himself. [color=00a651]"No hard feelings~ Kana-chan. I am just here to see how Ria turns out. Whether she is heterosexual or bisexual, probably even a homosexual? Haha! She likes pinning down girls and--"[/color] Ria glares at Taiki to shut him up. Taiki smiled and smirked. [color=00a651]"Hahahaha! Pardon us for the rudeness. My name is Mishima Taiki and these are my students; your twin, Yuki, and Mari!"[/color] He stands up for the mess Ria is about to cause. And recalled Ria's strategy. [color=00a651][i]"Not half bad at all. From tactical clothing disguise,ice clones with ordered movement, impressive control of ice manipulation to the point that it doesn't shatter limbs or kill even it should have."[/i][/color] He continues deducing Ria's plan; [color=39b54a][i]"The fact that she went here to Kirigaoka is like playing a weird chess game ehh rather cards."[/i][/color] Taiki recognizes every person in the room; [color=39b54a][i]"Tsurara Kaname and Nagisa, Isone Hibiki, and the Tsurara households servants. This is going to be fun. I never felt this intense since [b]'that person'[/b]. You two really are....."[/i][/color] Cuts short to the point instead of reveling in such fun reunion. Taiki recalls Ria's plan. She contacted her servants and devised her plan by sharing information and also she took advantage of Taiki, Yuki, and Marcus with the group she had in numbers along with ice clone, to get Kaname into one place.[color=39b54a] [i]"So that's how it was."[/i][/color] He thought to himself as he continues to gaze in such entertaining environment. Ria points out. [color=00aeef]"Like I said, I am going to be using you and your girl pals."[/color] The usual assertive and authorizing self absorbed brat Ria is, she reveals information to Kaname and her girl pals. [color=00aeef]"Nishihara Wendy, I'm sure you know of her since she's your kouhai here in this miserable school. I am going to require your cooperation A.S.A.P since there's no time. Also...."[/color] Cuts short to the panel where Kaori is.[/hider] [hider=Hospital Venue]Kaori is in a parallel remote building near the hospital to where Kotori is. She's watching her from afar with her binoculars and texting Ria the details through her phone. Ria proclaimed her plan to be [b]'flawless'[/b], she had two weeks to prepare all of this since Marcus a member of Skill-Out have been feeding her the necessary information and to her efforts, she tries her very best to decipher it even though half of it were lies.[/hider] [hider=Back to Ria]After explaining all of this information in their white board, she waited for them to digest it and added a foul remark to Kaname [color=00aeef]"...By the way, I bet you're happy that I'm dying. I don't ask of your pity; you should be happy that Dad will focus his attention on you instead of me. All I ask is your assistance despite how rude I am to you and you know it, little twin sister."[/color] Once again, berating and teasing her twin.[/hider] [hider=Anderson][h3]Last but not least in Anderson Household[/h3] [@ClocktowerEchos] Eita returns with a greeting to his friend. [color=f9ad81]"Hello Jistudan. My condolences to your friend infected by a vampire here but having the Akurans, Skill-Out and mere clowns kidnap a school girl is such a low move. I don't see any reason why is Nishihara Wendy useful enough to save your friend. You do know the concept of good and evil is that good will always triumph over evil."[/color] Eita expresses his thoughts to Anderson's infected friend. She only have three days to become a full fledged vampire. [color=f9ad81] "Speaking of vampires. My friends are taking care of one with Akira and Sunye. Sigh.....what's our next move?"[/color][/hider] [hider=Unknown Hideout][h3]Back to Aria[/h3] It is a masked person who got her on the ropes, [color=ed1c24]"Amazing isn't it. The very idea to have clowns, yakuza, and skill-out tied under my hands like a puppet master but here's the catch, young lady... If you want your Father alive, you're gonna have to do something for me."[/color] Who is this villainous person, esper? mage? hybrid? level 0? Just who is he? The man have been watching from afar and has taken interest on Aria Fabre just what awaits her in the horizon? [/hider] [hider=NGJA][h3]Nagatenjouki[/h3] [b]Zentaro Ray[/b] [u]5 minutes later[/u] [color=8dc73f]"Put some clothes on Seo!"[/color] She threw her jacket on her so she can cover herself up, [color=8dc73f]"Dylan we should head to where that scream came from, I'm betting everyone is there, hurry!" [/color]He grabs Seo and Dylan's hand to go over to the scene. To their horror, they saw a disturbing scene of a dead girl's body with unknown marks. Judgement Captain Ken calls on Kurenai; [color=f26522]"Kurenai, do the honors use your powers and examine the dead body afterwards I'll reward you." [/color] He pats her head. [@Kimiyosis] [color=f26522]"Kate-sensei, we really need your help!"[/color] [@Saltwater Thief] Ken said. [color=f9ad81]"Jeager-san, what do you think is the cause? What about you Dylan?"[/color] Ray asks Justeaze as he himself is clueless as well. [@Kal-El] [color=fff200]"Onii-chan! Finally something happened!"[/color] Shiho said with full of praises yayifications to herself, she felt so stimulated after seeing the turn of interesting event. [color=fff200]"Onii-chan! What should we do? There's a murderer running around in our school? I bet you can pin him or her down!" [/color][/hider] [hider=Vampire Arc][h3]District 22, Mountains[/h3] More hordes of vampires. Sunye is on her knees feeling overwhelmed by combating the horde along with her friends. [color=004b80]"Oi! Akira, I'm not doing well either we have to keep it together!"[/color] She spams ice blades on the vampires despite being worn out. Tsumiki on the other hand is zapping vampires but things aren't going so well for them when the hardest part arrives; [b]Vlad Damian[/b] [img]http://33.media.tumblr.com/avatar_c4d786eaf8f7_128.png[/img] Seated on his chaotic throne he taunts the very foundation of everyone; [color=ed1c24]"The more the dog bites, the more its teeth gets broken. You guys are insects for me to watch to crash and burn. Vampires are the superior race than to you filthy humans! Such shame that a haemokinetic esper is outright useless."[/color] He snaps his fingers and the vampires disappears. [color=ed1c24]"Now then, I hope you insects entertain me!"[/color] Still seated on his throne, he waits for them to take on him. The Priestess Nishihara said;[color=f49ac2] "Don't take his words too deep! He's using you guys! Don't fall for his tricks!" [/color] Her barrier is weakening due to Damian's presence. [color=ed1c24]"I'm sorry to disappoint you, feeble minded beings but it is fate that tonight you will feel the power of vampires. I have no intention of killing you or whatsoever but it doesn't change the course of tales. For every story there are cliches; Why waste time letting my goons overwhelm you in numbers? Ha. I couldn't fathom all the stories I read especially you, Kurogami Akira. How does it feel when a family is broken by a father brutally murdering his wife? Letting his son feel so pessimistic about his life. You might ask me why do I know all of this? I say you just have to dance with me."[/color] Vlad Damian seem to know of Akira, he has been watching him since god knows when, he currently tried everything to piss him off.[/hider] [b]Post Credit Scene of my post[/b] [hider=Blades of Bane!][b]Blade Woman[/b] [img]http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/324/1/7/erza_scarlet_by_avatarw0rld-d5lo1kj.png[/img] The slicer girl returns in Mocha Dreams as the seemingly evil Anderson and Eita by orders it seems or not. Appearing before Sasaki. Her blades are ready as her body is ready. The Akura Gang symbol is seen on her bare back. [color=f26522]"So you're the one Skill-Outs have been talking about lately. Traitors are meant to be shredded to the ground!" [/color]She takes out her dual swords. [b]Decisive Danger falls on Sasaki![/b] [/hider] ([b]GM's note:[/b] I have organized everything with my unconditional and non biased love for you guys. Please take your time to read everything carefully. Pace in what I have observed: Wendy Arc, good job guys! We're picking up the pace. Vampire Arc, keep on going! You'll make it. Nagatenjouki Cult Arc. Guys! Chop chop! You're all falling behind! Pick up the pace please. I have to control other people's characters for variety and exposition. Characters that are abandoned by their owners due to hiatus or dropping of the RP. I took control of LokiLeo789's especially. Advise: Collaboration is strongly recommended to pick up the pace as well as patience. Ask sensible questions. But it's okay, take my word for it and trust me; we are all having busy lives. Patience is the key for us to accomplish! [@NarayanK], PM me and leave a message on the ACCA pad. We'll discuss the matchups.)