[center]Welcome to An Island of Opportunity! This rp is all about letting your creative juices flow while implementing the thrill of simple mechanics. This means your character [i]can[/i] die if proper care isn't taken. While most things will be under your control, events and numbers might occasionally force you to make decisions or change plans. Exploration, survival, and community building are key components of this game, but don't let that limit you! Below are some questions and answers that should help you understand the nature of this game. If there's anything I haven't included, feel free to speak up! Send me a pm and I'll happily add your question (and its answer) to the list. Good luck, and I hope you join![/center] [color=ed1c24][b][u]FAQ[/u][/b][/color] [hider=What is this game about?] [color=1a7b30]This game is simply about role-playing in a fictional world where the unexpected can happen! Though the focus is on weaving a story, mechanics add an extra twist to how events play out. Ideally, characters can create cultures, discover new lands, take part in evil plots, or start enterprises for hording wealth. The possibilities are almost endless, and new characters can be introduced at any time through the spawning system.[/color][/hider][hider=What is spawning?] [color=8dc73f]In this world, characters simply appear into existence. This is an accepted law of nature, though it can be confusing at first. Characters of any gender or age may be created by their authors, and their spawnings can be handled according to taste. Want your character to unfurl gracefully like a flower? Go on ahead! Want them to enter with a bang and a pop? That's fine too! Do you desire your character to be confident and show swagger as though nothing unusual happened? Or to be confused and frightened by their sudden existence? It's all welcome. Variety is the spice of life.[/color][/hider][hider=Does my character have to have a background / do they have to 'spawn' to exist?] [color=1a7b30]Spawning is the default for being born into the island, although exceptions can be made. If you wish to play a shipwrecked survivor for example, then just mention so in your character sheet. Approval can be granted and adjustments can be made if necessary. That being said, spawning with histories is probably frowned upon. If someone pops into existence, what history is there to work with? Instead, try developing a personality or quirks that your character can have upon their creation. Their entire histories can be built upon the island with the people around them.[/color][/hider][hider=Can I have more than one character?] [color=8dc73f]For now, let's just assume the answer is no. Since there is currently one spawning location, having multiple characters creates opportunities for other characters to be ignored or for players to feel as though participants are taking advantage of the situation (using one character to horde resources and sharing with another character played by the same person, etc). If the game proves to progress too slowly though, this rule can change.[/color][/hider][hider=Can I create non-human characters?] [color=1a7b30]I'm going to answer this question with a dubious 'no' for now. I'd like all characters to be human, but could be convinced to allow slight variations if it means more players and characters. Eventually, I might allow players to take the role of animals, but they'd be pure animal (no talking or human characteristics).[/color][/hider][hider=Do all characters spawn in the same place?] [color=8dc73f]Characters can spawn in any location in which there are two characters. Since there is currently one location, this means all characters will spawn there. However, as characters branch out and explore the island, more spawning locations should become available. You will be randomly spawned in a location that fits the two-character requirement.[/color][/hider][hider=What does my character spawn with?] [color=1a7b30]For the sake of modesty, all characters will spawn with a basic set of clothes. These will consist of rudimentary beige t-shirts and beige shorts, each consuming 10 inventory spaces. If you want to vary your character's clothing or create new ones, you'll have to gather the appropriate resources and role play away! Otherwise, new characters spawn with nothing else.[/color][/hider][hider=How are my character's skill sets chosen?] [color=8dc73f]All characters have randomly generated skill sets. Excel is used to determine the various strengths and weaknesses for each skill. For example, if fighting, fishing, and building were the existing skills, Excel might roll a 3, 2, and 5 respectively. Since 1 is assigned as 'weakest' and 5 is designated for the 'strongest' skills, this character would be an average fighter, a not-so-hot fisher, and a marvelous builder. A list of all available skills is provided in the next post. If there is enough interest in the role play, I will implement a system for improving skills.[/color][/hider] [b]How do skill sets effect my character?[/b] [b]Does the game move in real time?[/b] [b]What is a health meter?[/b] [b]What happens if my health meter reaches 0%?[/b] [b]How can my health meter be diminished?[/b] [b]How does the attack system work?[/b] [b]What is a hunger meter?[/b] [b]What happens if my hunger meter reaches 0%?[/b] [b]Isn't water necessary to provide a living?[/b] [b]What is a energy meter?[/b] [b]What happens if my energy meter reaches 0%?[/b] [b]Why do some projects cost more than 100% energy?[/b] [b]What is inventory space?[/b] [b]How much inventory can I hold at any one time?[/b] [b]What is lifespan?[/b] [b]Why do characters take up inventory space?[/b] [b]Can other characters steal my items?[/b] [b]Am I limited to only creating items from the list in the next post?[/b] [b]How do I suggest items to be added to the list in the next post?[/b] [b]Do I have to rp every project?[/b] [b]What are gathering slots and how do they work?[/b] [b]Are shelters necessary?[/b] [b]How are random events chosen and how do they effect my character?[/b] [b]Does the weather serve any purpose?[/b] [b]How does a location get named?[/b] [b]How do we explore new locations?[/b] [b]Are there any animals in this game?[/b] [b]Why are there only five resources?[/b] [b]Why are some resources so hard to get?[/b] [b]What if I forget to rp eating my food?[/b] [b]How can my characters do anything privately?[/b] [b]Are mature scenes allowed?[/b] [b]Can I choose what happens to another character?[/b] [b]What if I can't calculate my own numbers, or if I make a mistake?[/b] [b]I'm going to be on hiatus. Does this mean I'll lose my character?[/b] [b]I'm not interested in playing anymore. What happens to my character / how do I quit?[/b] [b]Why is this game so hard?[/b]