Plot: Long ago, when the realm was still young, the world had only one face to look at for protection, for comfort, for… literally anything they would ask out of a God. And it was a big, scary fish thing. In fact, it was a whole legion of scary fish things. These were called Aboleths, and they had controlled the minds of the people itself to convince them that they are the one and only God. However, much like all stories involving false Gods, the real Gods took offense. Some wanted to free them, of course, but others wish to enslave them for themselves. Nevertheless, they realized that they had a common enemy. And so, for the first time in that realm, both good and evil Gods teamed up to liberate them from the threat that is the Aboleth Pantheon. Due to how powerful these Gods are as a force, the battle took only forty days before all the Aboleths were banished to the Elemental Plane of Water. However, the Aboleths were huge fans of the saying “Take your ball and go home”. And so, they opened a portal and allowed the water to flow from the Water Plane over to the world they lorded over. The result was the entire place being flooded. Everyone would have died had it not been for the last minute intervention of Ben-hadar, Elemental Prince of Good Water, who diverted the water away from most of the land. But the damage was done. The lands were no longer the same. What were once huge, dominant nations became small islands. The Gods allowed the people of the realm to worship them as thanks for freeing them from the Aboleths’ mind control. However, there was still the scars it had. A century has passed since the Aboleth War. While humanity withered away and gave birth to a new, yet naïve generation, those who can live past a century could remember the scars and guide this new generation. There was still the matter at hand: without the Aboleths to guide them and the Gods only assisting in the background, everyone had no idea what to do. Eventually, people created nations from the islands they were spared on. Some were made to bring law to a world without order, but others were made to revel in the chaos it created. However, there was a massive sea to explore, and it is home to Pirates and Privateers alike. Your character is among these people. This is their story of how they survived this new frontier. Who will your character be? How will they cope with this new world? And would you accept the call of the ocean? Character Creation Rules: [list] [*]We all start at Level 5. [*]Starting Items will be the items you begin with during Character Creation. However, you also start with 500 GP plus 1d10 x 25 GP, [i]PLUS [/i]the Starting Wealth By Class. [*]Acceptable sources are: [list] [*]PHB [*]DMG (Eladrin, Aasimar, Oathbreaker Paladin, Death Cleric) [*]Elemental Evil (Aarakocra, Genasi, Goliath, Svirfneblin) [*]Unearthed Arcana (Changeling, Shifter, Warforged, Artificer Wizard, Ranger With No Spells, Favored Soul Sorcerer, Minotaur, Mariner Fighting Style, Swashbuckler Rogue, Storm Sorcerer). [/list] [*]Stats are generated using 27 Point Buy or default array. 20's not a hard limit. [*]Feats are available. [/list] Islands: If you wish for me to expand upon anything, feel free to let me know. [hider=The Islands (Setting fluff for inspiration)] [list] [*][b]Lythiaco: [/b]One of the five largest islands in Waterborne. After the war with the Aboleths, many people wanted to build a shrine to their saviours, the Gods and Goddesses who have freed them from their enslavement. Thus, an island was dedicated to them and temples were erected. Those who wish for a blessing from the Gods come here to worship and ask for their guidance. [*][b]Latanchar:[/b] Ever wanted to go away and be someone else? You wanted to either disappear for those good few years or want to start a new life. Whatever the case, the island of Latanchar has a place for you. Upon stepping foot onto the island, you will be given a new identity to live out your life. However, things have been rather quiet… too quiet. The people who run away to this island never come back nowadays; a matter that concerns the higher ups. [*][b]Minalibuscri:[/b] Whereas the seas are the home of the pirates, Minalibuscri is home to criminals who plan ambushes on other islands. If your ship has a rogue, chances are they learned their skills on this island. The residents of the island are ruthless savages when they execute their plans, but when you negotiate on their island, they can seem like the nicest of people. [*][b]Ploratorex:[/b] All of the world’s secrets rest on this island. Not of what happened before, but of what is happening [i]now[/i]. The people who deposit these secrets are hidden both within the shadows and within society. It is hard to find out who is working for this shadowy island and who isn’t when you get tied up in the affairs of this whistle-blowing island. [*][b]Tertaineren[/b]: The opera house of the islands, Tertaineren is an island devoted for one thing and one thing only: fun. Drama, comedy, romance, it doesn’t matter what your tastes are, so long as you’re in the mood for a play, Tertaineren has you covered. Though, if a good old fight is what you’re looking for… [*][b]Gladius[/b]: This island is closely tied to Tertaineren, and as such, many troupes, as well as people who come to the island, visit here to watch their own spectacle in the form of people duelling each other. Sometimes the battles are criminals trying to atone for their crimes in a trial by combat, and others are duels to the death over troubling matters like ‘who gets to marry this beautiflist girl’. It also acts as the Circus for the Minotaurs[b].[/b] [*][b]Forohelk[/b]: The largest island in Waterborne. Forohelk is where most people call home if they don’t have the seas calling for them or they aren’t wrapped in the inner workings of islands like Minalibuscri and Ploratorex. Because of its peaceflist nature and its massive size, Minalibuscri often strike the island and some towns are either razed beyond repair or even fronts for their operations. [*][b]Tifexar [/b]and[b] Gotiatorine[/b]: One of the five largest islands in Waterborne if you were to count the two as one big island. When the Aboleths plunged the world into the waters, all of the world got shattered and their islands split apart, the nation of [b]Dugil[/b] remained strong and was only split by a fraction. Nevertheless, the River of Blood acts as a border between the two islands. This is the first stop for all pirates and people wanting to go on an adventure, as this is where most of the shops wind up. [*][b]The River Of Blood:[/b] While the entire world is covered in water, only one body of water ever existed on land: the River of Blood. Named such for the fact that it acts as a border for the two rival islands, who more often than not are at each other’s throats to ensure they get the most gold by the end of the day. [*][b]Remitahe:[/b] This is normally where you’d find the old masters of the oceans and those who have fought valiantly in the Aboleth Wars, ready to pass on their gifts to the youth. Originally made with humans in mind, races that tend to live longer lives prefer this place due to their views on the fragility of human life, elves being one such example. [*][b]Noblesse: [/b]One of the five largest islands in Waterborne. It is home to people who have declared themselves leaders of the new world. There is a large castle in the area where these leaders converge and discuss the crisis at hand. Despite their claims, they are not a world government. They have a long way to go before they can bring law to this realm. [*][b]Oblige: [/b]Speaking of law, one of the people who fought the Aboleths, Aesir Olympius, took one of the islands as his own and created a training ground for knights to follow in his moral code, being to protect the weak and punish those who abuse their strength. Even after Aesir’s death from old age, they still hold onto his legacy. They have raised a good enough force to take on the pirates that lord over the seas on equal footing. [*][b]Zeist:[/b] The land of the wild. All manners of dire animals live on this island. With them are the people who survived the onslaught of the Aboleths but wound up on this island. Without the outside to help them, the people of Zeist learned to survive on their own. By the time sailors and pirates discovered the island to expand their territory, they had found that these people have been warped into savages. [*][b]Mugas: [/b]The land of magic. After the Aboleths were defeated, a large magical surge was created and dumped on the island. As a reslistt, the island became magical and stepping foot on the island can enhance those with magical talent and even bless those with it as well. It is said that giving birth to a child on this island will reslistt in the child having access to the chaos of the surge itself: Wild Magic. [*][b]Morales:[/b] The fifth largest island in Waterborne. Whereas Gladius’ stadium was built to suit one-on-one duels and gladiatorial events, Morales is, or rather [i]was[/i] a lush island before the war with the Aboleths destroyed it. Now it’s a vast, empty desert where soldiers can duke out huge battles. This is where the royals of Noblesse put their intrigue aside and have their armies fight to see who’d be leading. [*][b]Home of the Lost:[/b] To those without a home. To those without something to fight for. To those who have lost their heart. This is the home of the lost. Its caretaker is a Brass Dragon who takes care of the people orphaned by the war. In the century, they had become a society of their own, healing from the losses they suffered. However, the Brass Dragon’s hoard makes her and the people who live there an easy target for people who wish to loot. [/list] [/hider] And lastly, for character sheets, post me a link to the sheets coupled with the template below: [list] [*][b]Name:[/b] [*][b]Race:[/b] [*][b]Class[/b]: [*][b]Background:[/b] [list] [*][b]Personality Traits:[/b] [*][b]Ideal:[/b] [*][b]Bond:[/b] [*][b]Flaw:[/b] [/list] [*][b]Important Stuff:[/b] [list] [*][b]The Most Important NPC In Your life:[/b] (It can be anyone, provided they influenced your life) [*][b]The One Goal You Wish To Achieve:[/b] [*][b]Island of Birth: [/b](Which Island did you come from?) [*][b]Reason For Embracing The Sea: [/b](Why are you drawn to the seas?) [/list] [*][b]Backstory:[/b] (A brief, one paragraph story detailing your character’s journey up until the point of being Level 5.) [/list] And with that, enjoy making characters! I have one last question to ask before we begin: Do you guys wanna be all in a pirate crew or have a small adventure uniting you all? [list] [*]Slot 1: Angus of Clan Longhorn/[@clanjos] [*]Slot 2: Selenis Moongrove/[@daltar] [*]Slot 3: Allegra de Medici/[@Raineh Daze] [*]Slot 4: Tzarvik Kozak/[@thorgili] [*]Slot 5: Reserved for [@Rin] [*]Slot 6: Reserved for [@Lost Cause] [/list]