On the topic, I cleaned up Aesa's bio and personality sections a bit. Edit: Actually, working on a kitsune trickster now instead. Disregard the other character if I finish this one first (right now, I'm just working on the background). Edit: Finished. But I'm thinking of more to add to the background. Obviously, if you don't approve of this one, I'll use my other one. ^~^ This one has more of a possible connection between her and Silver, since the Varisians are gypsies. It would be almost like family, in this case, unless Silver has a particular dislike of her gypsy heritage. Also, can Shape Change be used...partially? Like...looks entirely human but with tails? (Seems fair, since it's a supernatural ability, not a spell coded for specific effects) Character Sheet: Name: [url=http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=621524]Yobi[/url] Gender: Female Race: Kitsune (but is usually in human form) Class: Rogue ([url=http://www.d20pfsrd.com/races/other-races/uncommon-races/arg-kitsune/kitsune-trickster-rogue-kitsune]Kitsune Trickster[/url] archetype) Alignment: Chaotic Good[hider=Appearance]Human Form: [img=http://i49.tinypic.com/219w96x.png] With the addition of a short skirt and leggings, but without so much metal Kitsune Form: [img=http://th08.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2012/363/e/b/kyomi__kitsune_pirate_by_ajvulpes-d5pmxk5.png][/hider] Personality: Yobi is playful and likes to play pranks, like any other kitsune. And while she's more playful and energetic with people she likes, if they get angry or annoyed, she becomes quite gloomy. Biography: Yobi was found when she was fairly young by Varisians. She was accepted into one of the families, and only recently stopped traveling with them. She tries to maintain contact with both her parents and her two older sisters. She has never had a lover, due to her family's traveling and their own ties with others. All in her family know what she is, even though she is always in human form. She has received numerous tattoos from her accepted heritage, though these don't show in kitsune form; this is her primary reason for staying in human form, though the desire to not be so different is up there in that list, too. Her abilities are simply a matter of her experience in a performing family. Her father is an acrobat, her mother is a fortune-teller, and her sisters are both dancers learning acrobatics from their father. As the adopted child, Yobi was to be given a choice as to which path she would take, and after practice with both, she decided, with her parents' blessing, to find her own path. She would stay in Sandpoint and get by however she could. This was almost always legal activities, though her skill in dance has more than once paid for necessities. She has, in fact, been taken in, more or less, by a noble in town, and allowed room and board at the inn, as well as free food and drink (within reason). She never expected this treatment, and does her best not to take advantage of it if she can help it.