==Moena== (Before Zeke got home:) Moena sighed as the new called Jesus which was followed by a stab to the head, at least he was a devil, that was for sure. But soon after he started to nicely introduce himself. "Nice to meet you, my name is Moena Sasumi" she then glowed and suddenly changed into her human shape "I am Master's queen, I take it you are a new member of our little family?" she then stepped aside "come in, i'll show you to the living room" --------------- (after Orin came down) As the devil was making his advances Moena felt she should step in, normally master would do that but he was not around at this time so it was the queens job. "Orin, you lolli loving perf..." But before she could continue a splash of cold water fell on Orin from the air. A new face came running down the stairs "Ah, Sumimasen Orin-sama, I was practicing and it seems I made a small mistake what cause the water to fall, I hoped no one was standing under the stairs but... SUMIMASEN" Runa ranted while keeping to her overly polite way as she bowed to Orin as a apology. Moena smiled, it was a great timing to give the guy a cold shower even though she knew Runa would never do that on purpose, it was a real accident. "Anyway, I guess master should be back soon, if everyone would wait in the living room" She then looked at Runa "can you make some thee?" Runa bowed as she replied "Hai, I would love to" she then walked into the left room while Yuriha and Hecate guided the guys to the right room, the living room. Moena however went up, hoping to find Ophilia and Yumi as those were the only ones not downstairs yet. She found Ophilia in her room and Yumi had only just arrived back, which means Master would return soon. as the 3 girls entered the living room the floor lit up, revealing the groups crest. Soon after Zeke showed up with an blood drenched boy in his arms. He placed the kid on the couch, he would get it cleaned later and sat down in his own chair before looking around the room. "seems everyone is here" Runa walked up to him to hand him a cup of thee "thanks" He drank his thee slowly as the newest kid started to wake up. "welcome back to live kid" he said, his voice showed that he was tired after today but he had promised Marcus some answers and the newest kid would want some as well he figured...