[quote=@clanjos] [list] [*][b]Name:[/b] Angus of Clan Longhorn/"Big Bison" [*][b]Race:[/b] Minotaur [*][b]Class[/b]: Fighter [*][b]Background:[/b] Gladiator [*][b]Personality Traits:[/b] I love a good insult, even directed at me. [*][b]Ideal:[/b] The world is in need of new ideas and bold action. [*][b]Bond:[/b] I would do anything for the other members of my old troupe. [*][b]Flaw:[/b] Won a match that was supposed to be rigged. The nobles want my head for it. [/list] [b]Important Stuff:[/b] [list] [*][b]The Most Important NPC In Your life:[/b] The Ultimate Warrior, champion of the Circus [*][b]The One Goal You Wish To Achieve:[/b] Prove to those nobles that I'm king of the ring by wrestling a giant [*][b]Island of Birth:[/b] Gladius [*][b]Reason For Embracing The Sea:[/b] Where else am I going to find a giant to wrestle? [*][b]Backstory:[/b] Angus is a minotaur. There's really only one path for him- Gladius. He's wrestled in the Circus all his life, winning and losing matches and becoming stronger for it. He's met the love of his life and his best friend in the ring. The ring IS his life. So when some wealthy nobles from other islands thought they could rig a match to make money on the betting, they got quite angry when it turned out the matches weren't fake and Angus pulled a come-from-behind victory. So angry, in fact, that they chased him out of the arena with torches and pitchforks. Said nobles were certain that he had cheated. While the officials and regulars of Gladius knew him to be on the up-and-up, Angus was still deeply insulted. On top of that, the nobles were hiring people to harass patrons of the arena. Eventually, the Ultimate Warrior himself gave Angus the order: "Find the mightiest foe you can. They can not deny your might if they witness it firsthand." And so, Angus set out... in search of the match of the century. [/list] [/quote] Alright, all I need is the statted up character sheet and you're good to go.