Anu'din studiously watched the representative from the Enchanter's Guild, alongside the black dragon that was to accompany their little group. The tavern had been an odd place to hold such a meeting, though he admitted it helped subdue any feelings of trepidation. His curiosity piqued about the job and what sort of artifacts they would be using, he thought about what the man had said just before he left. [i]I am unable to get inebriated, and I've yet to see another majin inside the city, let alone this tavern. I should ask Karu about the details of the trip. But, Alan already left. Hmm... Alan first. I need to make some more preparations, now that they've given us a discount. It would be foolish to pass up that opportunity.[/i] Stiffly rising from his chair, the majin followed the representative out the door and into the streets. Making his way past the crowds, Anu'din entered the building the representative had mentioned. Taking a few steps in, he soon found the man, and steadily walked towards him. Stopping about two feet away, he made eye contact. Though, with his face nothing more than a mask with a voice projector, it may have seemed disconcerting to the man. If he spoke, would it be more or less disconcerting? Anu'din banished such thoughts and spoke. "[b]Excuse me, I had questions regarding the job tomorrow. What sort of experimental weaponry will we be handling? Will it be individualized for each member of the team you are sending, or is it meant for any of us to use? And should we be expecting a fight when we get there? I would hope scouts from the city would be able to tell us the amount of undead currently in the area.[/b]" The mechanical man rapid-fired the questions, not having a mouth to move or lungs to fill with air. Anu'din thought the questions well-deserved; better to be prepared than caught unawares.