Death, the ultimate end which all creatures speed to at a rate that is generally far too fast for their liking. Since he was not a particularly religious person, Sonitus didn't have any expectations for being dead. That said, he did at least know of what people thought was the afterlife. Clouds, strange people with bird wings glued to their backs. Or someplace with fire that was bad. Waking up on a couch surrounded by others near his age, wearing school uniforms of some kind? That was totally unexpected. Glancing around the room, he quickly tried to plot out escape paths. His first path would be to jump behind the couch and sprint towards the nearest window. Hopefully he could use momentum to break through, and providing the fall was not too great he could make his escape. There were too many risks with that one though, and he'd rather not break his legs and ruin any chance of future escape. The second option was to try and bolt out the door the group appeared to be coming from. The difficult factor would be getting past the arriving youths, and then navigating his way outside. The third option was a variation of the second, the difference being that he would take a hostage. With a hostage he could keep the others at bay, while also using the prisoner to help him navigate his way out. He quickly reached inside one of his pockets for a knife, but found it was empty. He remembered leaving it back in the skull of the idiot thug ... so the hostage plan was out for now. [b]["welcome back to live kid"][/b] Sonitus narrowed his eyes at who he guessed was the leader. Perhaps he could grab a hold of the cup the man was using, break it, and use a fragment's sharp edge to take him prisoner. He quickly raised himself into a sitting position, as he was trying to avoid looking weak. He was also incredibly tense, ready to enter a run from his position should he need to. "Who are you?" His voice was cold, his eyes moved about again as he scanned the room a second time. As more memories were returning to him on how he died, he found himself with more questions than answers. This situation was becoming incredibly annoying, nothing was making any sense. If he had been stabilized, he would have been at a hospital where the surgeons could have worked on him. If his knowledge was correct, hospitals didn't just give out patients randomly to complete strangers, let alone a group high school aged children.