[list] [*][b]Name:[/b] Selenis Moongrove [*][b]Race:[/b] Wood Elf [*][b]Class[/b]: Swashbuckler Rogue [*][b]Background:[/b] Entertainer - Gladiator [list] [*][b]Personality Traits:[/b] I love to have the last word in, even if it may not be proper. While I don't mind company and companions, at the very least I must be able to fend for myself and depend on no one. [*][b]Ideal:[/b] I like seeing the smiles on people's faces when I perform. That's all that matters. The world is beautiful and I must add to it as well as indulge in it. [*][b]Bond:[/b] Madame Agatha Melior and the House of Violets who raised me. My old trainer, Morgan Shale of the Arena and his crew. [*][b]Flaw:[/b] I have trouble keeping my true feelings hidden. My sharp tongue lands me in trouble. [/list] [*][b]Important Stuff:[/b] [list] [*][b]The Most Important NPC In Your life:[/b] Madame Agatha Melior, Morgan Shale, childhood rival Samuel Muln. [*][b]The One Goal You Wish To Achieve:[/b] To become the best blade in the whole seas and by it gain enough fame and fortune to live a life of delight and happiness. [*][b]Island of Birth: [/b] Unknown, abandoned in Tertaineren. [*][b]Reason For Embracing The Sea: [/b] Adventure! Where else can I test myself further? [/list] [*][b]Backstory:[/b] An abandoned elven child taken in by a Madame of the entertainment houses with a kind heart. Showing prodigious speed and reflexes, a sharp wit and a strong personality, she chose a different path from that of the other girls in the House of Violets, always admiring the great duelists who came to the house at times. After some rough years with a bad crew of delinquents who would be the only ones who would teach her rough fighting in exchange for making use of her dexterity for their robberies, she ended up taking up trousers and rapier instead of dresses and fans, resolved to learn how to fight properly, crossing over to Gladius to show her mettle and begin her time as a rookie in the fighting arts. Over many years her skills were polished as she pushed herself to greater heights... eventually managing to catch the eye of master duelist Morgan Shale who trained her for a good career in the gladiator fights. With her great skill she also became a sort of bodyguard for the House of Violets... however, sea begins to call to her... while she can still become a greater gladiator, she feels like that will only teach her how to fight in controlled situations. She wants to see all that is out there in the world... in the stories the sailors bring, how to face monsters and the very sea itself. [/list] And her character sheet is [url=http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=195831] right here.[/url] Though it is not complete it has her actual functional build. May buy some other flavorful things with the added gold we have and add an image later.