Now for someone to whom 'small scale' is not an option. And thus, the straight man to basically any other character. :P [list] [*][b]Name:[/b] Allegra de Medici [*][b]Race:[/b] Human [*][b]Class:[/b] Paladin of Tyr [*][b]Background:[/b] Soldier (Officer) [list] [*][b]Personality Traits:[/b] I am a devout servant of the gods; I cannot allow my composure or devotion to falter. [*][b]Ideal:[/b] The world is too small for fighting. By blade or tongue, there will be peace. [*][b]Bond:[/b] I fight for those who cannot fight for themselves [*][b]Flaw:[/b] Everything I must do, I can do by myself--no matter if it kills me. [/list] [*][b]Important Stuff:[/b] [list] [*][b]The Most Important NPC In Your life:[/b] Aesir Olympius (Despite his being dead), her former subordinates. [*][b]The One Goal You Wish To Achieve:[/b] Stop the pointless nobles' fighting. [*][b]Island of Birth:[/b] Oblige [*][b]Reason For Embracing The Sea:[/b] Sitting home and practicing will save nobody. [/list] [*][b]Backstory:[/b] Born to a religious family in Oblige, Allegra always held it as her call to serve the heavens as a defensive blade for these troubled islands. Not content to sit tight in Oblige, she joined one of the noble's armies--and came to see the futility of all the fighting. Simply serving as a warrior for those treating all this as a game would never achieve what Allegra holds to be the entire reason for her existence. Thus, at the first opportunity, the paladin turned away from war to the seas, looking for a way to end this. And help along the way. [/list] [url=]Charsheet.[/url]