WIP[list] [*][b]Name:[/b]Tzarvik Kozak [*][b]Race:[/b] Dwarf [*][b]Class:[/b]Barbarian (would be swashbuckler but I lost my copy of unearthed arcana) [*][b]Background:[/b] Sailor [list] [*][b]Personality Traits:[/b] My friends can rly on me no matter what. [*][b]Ideal:[/b] The sea is Freedom. the freeedom to go anywhere and do anything [*][b]Bond:[/b]Loyalty to my captain first. [*][b]Flaw:[/b]My pride will probably lead to my destruction [/list] [*][b]Important Stuff:[/b] [list] [*][b]The Most Important NPC In Your life:[/b]Karl Kozak (Current Leader of the Kozak Clan and a inspirational figure to most Kozaks. He plans to once again return the Kozaks to their previous glory as a seafaring nation so they might enjoy the freedom of the sea) [*][b]The One Goal You Wish To Achieve:[/b]Return to his Homeland with great wealth to assist his Clan in reforming the Kozak Republic. [*][b]Island of Birth: [/b](Which Island did you come from?) The Home of the Lost. [*][b]Reason For Embracing The Sea: [/b](Why are you drawn to the seas?) Tzarvik Embraces the freedom and carlessness of the seas believing it to be the true path to freedom and happiness. He enjoys almost all aspects from the plunder and pillage to the salty breeze blowing through his beard. [/list] [*][b]Backstory:[/b]In the time before the floods the Kozaks roamed free in the plains and steppes of their homeland slave only to the subconscious control of the aboleths. when the aboleth war occurred the Kozaks were the first to rally to the true gods preferring to risk their freedom with them rather than knowingly be under the control. It was said as the war went on the Kozaks realized the danger of fighting for the gods and the chance of them just becoming slaves once more to a new master so their forces retreated back to their homelands in attempt to maintain their own nation neutral to the war. Due to this betrayal it was said that the god purposely completely flooded their homelands during the great flood. the surviving Kozaks set up a small colony on Nobellese but a great war ensued between the kozaks and the Nobellese eventually the Kozaks were pushed back and the remaining refugees escaped to the home of the Lost where they stayed in hopes of once again regaining their former glory. As a boy Tzarvik was inspired to go out and try once again to experience the freedom that the Kozaks once had so as a young dwarfling he decided to go out unto the world becoming a cabin boy on a small trade vessel. It was while returning to the Home of the Lost his ship was waylayed by Pirates and he was taken prisoner. for most of his childhood and part of his adult hood he worked as a slave on the ships deep below decks rowing oars. but his spirit of freedom couldn't be kept down eventually he organized a mutiny he and the other slaves rose up in a bloody rebellion. many died in the fierce fight below deck as the oarmen armed with little more than oars and chains brutally fought for their freedom. eventually he gained control of the ship with heavy losses. and now he sails the seas in search of plunder and gold in his hopes of once again returning to the home of the lost and assisting the Kozaks regain their once beautiful freedom. [url]http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=196259[/url] (the CS isnt done but has all its stats) [/list]