[center][img]http://i144.photobucket.com/albums/r181/lydyn1/AnaStormwind_zpsz96pzgsy.png[/img][/center] [center][h1][u]Ana Hunt[/u][/h1][/center] [center][i]The Stormwind[/i][/center] [b]Side:[/b] Tech [b]Sex:[/b] Female (Before mutation; Male) [b]Age:[/b] 27 [b]Race:[/b] Mutant (Cat Human) / Psion [b]Personality:[/b] Ana is a tad more playful than other fighters or warriors, however she can easily be serious when the situation calls for it. She is a kind and friendly, but rather cautious about people getting closer to her - or rather cautious as to believe they really do care, though she will give anyone willing to try, a chance. She can be picky about her loyalty, but once given, it must be broken with a heinous act of harm or betrayal of some kind. Otherwise, as social as she is, she is still an introvert so it can take some time to get to know her. Though she often keeps the fact to herself, she had been a transwoman before the mutation had happened. Now that her body matches her inner image, she is quite satisfied with life, though sometimes she can have minor hiccups because she wasn't raised as a female. Beyond this, she is still attracted to other females however it's more based on an emotional level, making her demisexual and homosexual at the same time. [b]Faction:[/b] Federation Military - Employee, but not a direct member of the service. [b]Biography:[/b] Ana grew up in a male body and sadly had to deal with pretending to be a man, though many of her classmates thought of her as a "homosexual man." To top this, her father died early from a car wreck, leaving only herself and her mother. It wasn't until later and through many heart breaks, loneliness, and confusion that she discovered and finally accepted who she really was. It was at this point that she saved the money to undergo a xenogen injection via MediCorp by teaching martial arts (most of her clients being military) - after all it was common knowledge that mutations and abilities were formed around personality and experiences, so it seemed the easiest way to have a female body. Even if it didn't work, she figured getting surgery was easy enough. Well, to her glee, it worked. In fact it worked far better than she could've ever imagined. Not only did the mutation cause her body to switch over to the proper sex, but gave her cat-like traits which she adored like no one could understand. Though unexpectedly, her abilities took on a mix between her outward appearance and her skills in martial arts and made her exceedingly more powerful in hand-to-hand combat. This combination of mutation and psionic energy was surprising since she had never knows her parents to be psions, though the painful mutation process had awoken latent abilities. Since her closeness with the military, she was offered a job on the spot to help as a training instructor after seeing first hand her new abilities. Since the age of 22, she has worked most of her time growing her abilities and using her knowledge in combat to design new techniques and even teaches some members of the mutant division of the military. However her life after the injection hasn't all been rainbows and butterflies. She still finds it hard to find love, but she tries her best to be positive and spends her time trying not to think about how lonely she really is. Her mother also passed a few years ago due to a new aggressive type of cancer, leaving her with no family. [b]Skills:[/b] First and foremost, she is an extremely talented and skilled hand-to-hand combatant. Many would argue her skill is on a high expert or master level of expertise. Most of her other skills come from natural innate ability rather than training - unlike her martial skill. These include being very organized, quick learning, able to understand complex ideas, and puzzle-solving. [b][u]Abilities[/u][/b] • [b]Cat Traits:[/b] Beyond the obvious cat eyes and tail she's developed through the mutation, her sense of smell, hearing, and sight has improved as least three-fold. • [b]High Strength:[/b] Her mutation has given her the ability to display a noticeable amount of high strength, despite her frame. It's not beyond her ability to punch through solid stone unscratched. • [b]Very High Grace:[/b] Both in terms of smooth movements and raw agility, her new mutations have given her leaps and bounds in this area as one might expect from a cat-like mutation. She can easily allure on-lookers with movements that are almost akin to dancing in battle and her agility allows her to avoid and slip through attacks that might otherwise singe others - like a fireball. • [b]Extreme Reflexes:[/b] Her ability to react and read her opponents is likely what she is most known for. It is a rarity for someone to land a solid blow on her, so much that even scratching her is a victory is some men's eyes. Though not impossible to bypass, she can usually land twenty blows to her opponent's single blow. • [b]Psionic Field:[/b] Psionite has had an interesting effect on her mutated form. Though her psionics are limited in scope, they seem to have grown increasingly more powerful in a much shorter time than most others. This is one of two forms, in which she can erect an almost skin-tight force field that is very powerful but very limited in how long it can be maintained. Normally it can only be used for a single battle and takes roughly two days to restore the specific circuit & mana used for this technique. • [b]Speed Burst:[/b] Her second form of psionics though unlike her first, this can be used for causal traveling as well as battle situations. This ability differs from those with traditional super speed in three ways: it is at least four times as fast as any recorded 'speedster' however due to it's speed, one has to exit this state before attacking and finally it tends to drain energy/mana at an extremely high speed so it can only be used in bursts - however the mana circuit it does use, tends to regenerate it's small mana pool almost as fast as it's used. • [b]Precognition:[/b] A rare ability to allows Ana to willingly see 3-4 seconds into her personal future. This has become an extremely easy ability to activate and often triggers subconsciously whenever she senses danger. [b][u]Possessions[/u][/b] • A heart necklace with the name 'Ana' on it. It was given to her by her mother before she passed away from a new form of cancer. • Lightly coated cybernetic martial outfit, simply adapted to withstand the speeds and force of her abilities. [b][u]Other / Fun Facts[/u][/b] • She always had a cat-like personality, so loves to curls into the laps of loved ones. • Her cat mutation stopped her from having ovaries, so she doesn't have periods or experience heat. • She loves tuna, maybe a bit more than she should. • Ana actually has the ability to purr.