[u][b]Marianne & Ricard Delacroix - En route to the Mayor Margaret's Estate.[/b][/u] Amidst the humid fog and orange glow of the city lights, a Machina-empowered automobile sputtered along the wet and dark streets. From within the glass panes of the machine's windows, a fair Elvish maiden's face peered out at the strange world outside. Brown eyes twinkling like stars thanks to the passing street light fixtures, her mouth was slightly agape with awe. Never before had the young woman seen such an interesting and lively city. At least, lively in comparison to her home. Anything was lively when compared to that. Turning her head suddenly to her opposite side, she addressed the large canine seated next to her. [b]"Ricard! Have you ever seen anything like this city before?"[/b] She gleefully hopped up and down in her seat, her evening gown rustling with the movements. Ricard, the tremendous creature, merely looked away from his window to glance sidelong at the young lady. [b][i]"No, dearest Princess. I hath not."[/i][/b] a symbol on his forehead faintly pulsated with his 'words'. His 'voice' deep and booming. His answer rather deadpan in its delivery. Marianne's shoulders slumped, displeased with his answer. Blowing a strand of her dark hair out of her face and promptly shoving the large wolf, she crossed her arms in disappointment. [b]"Ricard!"[/b] She had barely budged the canine with her actions. The wolf still looking at her, simply answered again. [b][i]"Yes, dearest Princess? Didst my answer displease you?"[/i][/b] Marianne puffed out her cheeks, pouting. [b]"You're so dull, Ricard! Why must you always answer so straightforwardly? Don't you have anything more to add or say?"[/b] Ricard quietly sighed to himself, fogging the glass pane of the window next to him slightly. [b][i]"No, dearest Princess. I hath not laid eyes on a city such as this. It is very wet. It is very dark. I do not like this place."[/i][/b] Marianne's shoulders sagged more, she wanted to be more talkative with Ricard but he hardly ever enjoyed holding a conversation with her. Whenever she would try to entice him to speak further, it was never what she intended. Hardly ever with anything positive to add or say, he was too brutally honest at times. Huffing, she turned away from Ricard and resumed her 'sight seeing' from her window. [b]"Never mind.."[/b] Ricard, picking up on her discontent, turned so that he fully faced her and gently pawed at her. Marianne glanced at the giant. [b]"What is it, Ricard?"[/b] Ricard stretched himself out ever so slightly in his seat, being careful not to encroach upon Marianne's space. Laying his snout on her lap, he closed his eyes. [b][i]"My apologies, dearest Princess. This city is very interesting. Quite unlike the northern territories of Chalcedony. I hath not ever seen such technology before."[/i][/b] Smiling, Marianne reached down and caressed Ricard's snout and head. At least her companion always meant well by her. [b]"Isn't it so? The city feels as though it is a living, breathing thing! I wonder how exactly this horseless carriage functions. Would you know, Ricard?"[/b] Tail happily wagging, Ricard lifted his head and sniffed around the interior. [b][i]"I can detect powerful Machina Affinity, dearest Princess. As to the machinations of its inner workings, I could not tell."[/i][/b] Marianne laughed, wrinkling her nose as she did. [b]"I wonder who was the man responsible for its invention? I would love to meet him, Ricard! Wouldn't you?"[/b] Ricard lowered his head once more onto her lap and closed his eyes. [b][i]"Indeed, dearest Princess."[/i][/b] The chauffeur at the front of the automobile nervously looked back at Ricard and adjusted his rear-view mirror. They had arrived at Mayor Margaret's estate. When the poor chauffeur had arrived at the previous location to retrieve Ms. Delacroix and Ricard, he had apparently been a few minutes late. Ricard didn't quite appreciate that and gave him a rather vicious scolding. The scolding worsened when the sad man made the mistake of not addressing Ms. Delacroix correctly. For having informally spoken to her as though she were any other lady, though he was far from discourteous and rude, Ricard nearly tore his throat out. Were it not for Ms. Delacroix's grace, the chauffeur feared he would've done exactly that had she not silenced him. Slowing the automobile to a rumbling stop, the man deliberated the best course of action to take for a smooth departure. Swallowing dryly, the man powered off the machine and stepped out into the rain. Grabbing the door handle, he slowly swung it open and backed away, bowing his head low. [b]"W-we have a-arrived your highness, Ms. Delacroix."[/b] Ears perking, Ricard raised his head. Realizing that the horseless carriage was slowing to a stop, Ricard bit the strap to a pack underneath his seat and swung it around behind him. Rummaging through the contents of the pack with his snout, he pulled out a parasol and held it between his fangs. Watching the chauffeur exit the vehicle, he waited until the man opened the door to see what he would do. Angered at his lack of preparation and having expected it, Ricard tossed the parasol at the man. The man caught the parasol and was startled by the sudden flying object. Looking at the object in his hands and back up at the terrifying beast glaring back at him, his mind blanked for a few seconds. Ricard's anger quickly grew, his muzzle twisting into an angry snarl. [b][i]"It is raining, filthy human. Unravel the given parasol and assist milady out of the vehicle. Or doth thou not have the mental capacity to accomplish such a simple t-"[/i][/b] Marianne smacked Ricard on the snout, interrupting his speech. Marianne pointed a white gloved finger at him, Ricard taken aback. [b]"Be kind, Ricard! Hold your tongue![/b] Ricard's ears lowered, [b][i]"Y-yes, dearest Princess. My deepest and sincerest apologies."[/i][/b] The idea finally registered and clicked within the chauffeur's mind and he scrambled up to Marianne to offer his hand to her, opening the parasol to shield her from the falling rain. Marianne smiled at him sweetly and took his hand, stepping out of the automobile and taking the parasol from him. [b]"Thank you, kind sir."[/b] The man's cheeks heated and he lowered his eyes, bowing his head. [b]"Not at all, your highness!"[/b] At that moment, the chauffeur was slammed by a large leather satchel. Powering out of the automobile, he took his place at Marianne's side and turned back to the man. [i][b]"Carry milady's things inside!"[/b][/i] Ricard snarled at him. Nearly urinating himself, the chauffeur bear hugged the satchel and bolted for the front entrance of the estate, slipping and splashing a few times in the rain. [B]"A-at once, sir!"[/b] Ricard turned to Marianne and gently took the parasol from her, holding it up for her. [i][b]"Dearest princess, thou hath not been soaked or soiled? Would be a shame to dirty your dre-"[/b][/i] Cutting off Ricard's words once more, Marianne rapped a knuckle against his skull. [b]"What did I say, Ricard? Be nice!"[/b] She gave him an angry look. Ricard was silent for a moment before finally answering, [i][b]"My apologies, dearest Princess."[/b][/i] As the two walked toward the entrance, Marianne quietly muttered at Ricard. [b]"You don't actually mean that, do you Ricard?"[/b] His claws clicking on the ground in time with Marianne's heels, he responded [i][b]"I know not of what you mean, dearest Princess."[/b][/i] The chauffeur had the foresight this time to bring the Elven Princess' things inside first before returning to open the door for the two of them. His bowed low to appease the giant wolf, Marianne smiled and thanked him as she entered. When Ricard entered, he growled menacingly as he walked by. The man shivered, from a combination of the cold wet and deep fear. Marianne took the parasol from Ricard to close it and returned it to their belongings, retrieving her coin purse she turned Ricard and had him take it. Giving her a curious look, Marianne said [b]"Give the kind gentleman a few coins for his troubles."[/b] Ricard thought to question her, but didn't. He himself didn't believe the human deserved it, though he did provide a service. Turning, the wolf padded over to the chauffeur who shied away from him in fear. Setting the coin purse down, Ricard bit down on a few coins and tossed it up at the chauffeur. Catching them, the man looked at the currency in his hands and back at the wolf in confusion. Ricard growled low, but explained [i][b]"Accept this gracious gift from Princess Delacroix and begone with you."[/b][/i] The man looked at the money in his hands and back up at Marianne who stood smiling at him. Removing his cap, he bowed at the waist at her. [b]"Thank you, your highness!"[/b] and promptly left. The man nearly ran back to his vehicle to get further away from Ricard. Before the front doors to the estate swung closed, Ricard moved outward for a few steps. Looking up at the overcast, rainy sky, he sniffed at the air. Ears twitching and flicking, a low growl rumbled in his chest. Though their trip was rather uneventful and peaceful, something told him not all was well within the city. There was unrest and panic in districts of the city farther from them. Huffing, Ricard stepped back inside and returned to Marianne's side. Already, she was off in her own world exploring. Gasping in awe at every little thing, Marianne absorbed the sight of every little new and different thing she could see. She had never seen such wonderful and beautiful architecture. The interior of the estate, though a bit crowded with various knick-knacks and books, was warm and inviting. It was comfortable, homely. Ricard, contented himself by sitting near their possessions, watching Marianne as she went about touching and examining everything. Shortly thereafter, a butler greeted the two of them and welcomed them. Explaining that Mayor Margaret would see to them shortly. As the butler left, Ricard huffed and couldn't help but shake his head slightly. Typically, Marianne was content with missions to the surrounding towns and villages at their home in the northern tundras of Chalcedony. Simple charity missions, to provide those less fortunate with clothing, warm food, and basic necessities of life. Why his precious Princess decided to suddenly travel so far from home to answer the plea of some Mayor of some port city was beyond him. He just couldn't understand why, but held his tongue from questioning his princess' motives. Sometimes, she would do things simply as spur of the moment. Whatever thoughts ran through her mind, would take him multiple lifetimes to attempt to understand.