Ricard's ears were the first thing to alert him, the second was the abhorrent stench. Ears and tail sticking straight up, Ricard got to his feet and spun towards the entrance. There was a slight commotion as another butler was in a bit of a spat. Something regarding a vagabond from the streets demanding admittance. However the conversation ended up, the exasperated butler reluctantly allowed passage into the estate. Immediately, Ricard's hackles raised and his muzzle twisted into a vicious snarl. A Perili man walked in and his eyes immediately locked onto Marianne. Ricard didn't quite appreciate his lingering gaze admiring her the way they hungrily did. Swiftly moving to Marianne's side, Ricard gnashed his fangs and loudly growled at the detestable Perili. Frowning, Marianne hadn't yet noticed the man and looked down at Ricard. [b]"Ricard! What has gotten into you?"[/b] She reprimanded him for his behavior yet again. The man suddenly spoke to Marianne from across the way, causing her to jump with a start. [i][b]"Disgusting serpent, thou would do well to remove thine gaze from my fair lady! Lest I gouge out thine eyes to serve as a lesson!"[/b][/i] Ricard's words bellowed throughout the foyer, snarling. Marianne had her hand on her chest. Looking at Ricard and at the newcomer, she stepped in front of the threatening canine. Cheeks a slight pink from the unabashed declaration of admiration by the strange man. [b]"Do excuse my companion, he's overly defensive. I am Marianne V. Delacroix of the Delacroix Royal Elven family, it's a pleasure to meet your acquaintance."[/b] She curtsied politely. Ricard muscled his way around Marianne and continued to snarl at the Perili man. [i][b]"Dearest princess, thou doest not need to introduce thyself to such vermin as he! Stay your distance lest he harbors ill intent!" [/b][/i] Ricard was practically foaming at the mouth. He did NOT like the newcomer. As if to test him further, a goblin had come into the foyer and the sight only served to drive him further into a blind rage. Having enough of his behavior, Marianne wrapped her arms around his neck to restrain him. [b]"Ricard!"[/b] [i][b]"Dearest princess, I request that we return home immediately! I will not have thyself associate with such lowly scum!"[/b][/i] he was now loudly barking at the two, alternating periodically. Incredulous at his rude remark in considering the other guests as 'scum', Marianne stood tall and straight in front of him and yelled. [B]"RICARD S. DELACROIX! I will NOT have you making such rude remarks to other honored guests of this estate! Carry yourself with the honor of the Delacroix Dire Wolves and behave respectfully of others or I ask that you dismiss yourself from my presence!"[/b] That was enough. Falling silent immediately, Ricard made a barely audible whine. Slowly settling down and sitting. His ears flattened against his head and he kept his eyes low, embarrassed. Sighing forcefully, Marianne smoothed the front of her white gown and turned. Looking from the goblin and Perili man, she placed her hands together and apologized. [b]"Again, do excuse my companion. He has a very short temper and is quick to make distasteful insults of those he doesn't know and trust."[/b] She glanced back at Ricard. Ricard averted his eyes away from her. Marianne stepped forward a few steps toward the two gentleman with a smile on her face. [b]"Might I ask who you two may be?"[/b] Ricard motioned to stand and return to her side, but a sharp look from Marianne forced him to remain where he sat.