[color=00a99d]The Yelb Population 12[/color] Gib was meandering around the beach eyes intently looking for anything interesting. So far he had found a pretty rock (discovered 9 times by Gib alone),a rock perfect for skipping, and a clump of sweet tasting grass. Suddenly his eyes spotted a beautiful crystal embedded in the mud. Gawking in childlike wonder he raced over until he was chest deep tugging and pulling at the marvel to no avail. Gib ran around the beach babbling for his friends and clutch brothers and sisters to come see what he found. After a time the group dragged the crystal beautiful as the sometimes invisible sky stone, and bigger then any of there stomachs. All of them starred at the most amazing thing any of them have ever seen the second being a snail that was the same color as it's shell. They gazed at the marvel for an hour until the oldest of them Bab said "We need to share this pretty with everybody!" "Of course I would." Said Gib "Smart think. Let's do it!" Chimed in the others. The youngest of them a four moon old named Tes voiced the obvious, "Who is this everybody? And why is he so special?" Asked the child. "No idea. But let's go find him and ask." Said Bab. And with that they bound the crystal to the back of there riding turtle and set off. On a mission to share their discovery with everybody. And more importantly to find something cool.