The pouring rain soaked Edwin's clothes, causing them to sag and cling to his skin, along with staining them red. "How bothersome..." He muttered, though the rain drowned out his words. He had managed to lose track of where he was in relation to the parlour while watching the slithers, as if getting caught outside in this weather without an umbrella wasn't bad enough. The white snake-like creatures usually stuck to the water and the shore, but during the storms they would make their way inland, coiling their bodies around whatever they could find. These 'slithers' also happened to be one of many creatures only he could see. Most days he was comfortable with the assumption that they were just a figment of his imagination, an unfortunate side effect of the spell, but sometimes he wondered. Sometimes they just seemed too real. This town made him wonder as well. The apparitions appeared in greater numbers here, and Edwin couldn't help but wonder if it was just his nerves, or if perhaps they too were living things drawn in by whatever mystery lies within this city. He was pulled away from this train of thought when one of the slithers made it's way up his body, and gently wrapped itself around his neck. "Well, whether you're real or not, you're here." Edwin smiled faintly. With his new companion he returned to his search for the parlour, taking in his surroundings as he walked. Even through the blood rain, which slowly chipped away at the stones, you could see some of this city's former beauty. Even in this weather people walked the streets, persevering in whatever task brought them outside in the first place. A few of which seemed as though they were prepared to leave. Edwin hoped that they were just moving out of the city, but he knew that some were on their way to the Ankou. It was a sad sight which he could respond to with little more than a sigh. [i]To think that these people would just throw their lives away.[/i] It made Edwin wish he could have come here before all this. It didn't take him too long to find his way back to a recognizable street. The hotel where he had been staying, and from which he had begun this walk. After taking a moment to laugh at the situation, he had started the journey anew, and before long he found himself at the parlour where he would meet the mayor, and his new companions. Rounding the corner, he observed the rather odd group of people that had gathered in front of the Exeter Parlour. He approached them, placing a hand in one pocket, waving with the other, and shouting through the rain "Hey! I'm here to meet with the mayor. This is the Exeter Parlour right?"