Name: Kanji Tatsumi Age: 16 Gender: Male Appearance: [img][/img] Canon, AU, or OC?:Canon Universe of Origin: Persona 4 Personality: Kanji is the type of guy that punches first and will probably punch you again. He's not the smartest of guys and dealing with his short fuse can be a pain. He hides behind a rough exterior but deep down he cares about others even if he doesn't show it that well. He is also quick to jump to the most easily reached conclusion. Abilities/Weapons: Blunt objects: Carries around a large steel plate. Take-Mikazuchi: Allows him to use electric based attacks, strong physical attacks and can buff defense and attacks. Adept at sewing and knitting. Take-Mikazuchi is Kanji's Persona. He summons him when he needs to use a spell. Because Take-Mikazuchi is inside Kanji it makes him immune to electricity and his hits are stronger then a normal human. -Ziodyne: Deals heavy Elec damage to 1 foe. -Mazionga: Deals medium Elec damage to up to five foes. -Matarukaja: Increases Attack for a bit.( Himself and 3 others) -Marakukaja: Increases Defense for a bit.( Himself and 3 others) Backstory: Kanji helps his mom run a textile shop. After beating up a biker gang, that was keeping his mom up at night, a news story reported that he was with the biker gang. Because he showed up on the news he was next in line to be thrown into the tv to be killed. Before he could be killed by his shadow some classmates entered the tv and saved him. After facing his shadow it turned into Take-Mikazuchi and became his persona. From that day on he joined his classmates and helped them put an end to the midnight channel. Faction: Unofficial ally for Agents. Take-Mikazuchi: [img][/img]