[b][i][color=f08080]Katya[/color][/i][/b] It took only several seconds for Katya to see she had hit a touchy subject for Xavier and somewhat regretted it. Still these things would happen it was part of the getting to know someone process, so simply made a mental note to avoid the topic until they were better acquainted. Still having given a little thought he more than likely knew all the touch subjects with her, which to Katya feel it was a little unfair. But then again it would have to be the way things are between them and she have to accept that if she want to be his friend… still it didn’t change how she felt given he already seemed to know much about her. As time moved one Katya felt herself getting tired and decided instead of going with Xavier she’d return to her room and go to bed to sleep… well after she messed around on her laptop for a little while. She also still wanted to meet her roommate before the day was over so she’d at least know who she was living with. [color=f08080]“ So… um Xavier I’m going to head back to my room and rest, First day of school I want to be well rested… so I’ll take you up on your offer some other time okay? So although I’m sure you know it here’s a card with my contact number on it, I guess call me if you want interact or something, just make to be reasonable about when you call and don’t get upset if I don’t answer I might be out... of… well I’m sure you know.”[/color] She stated giving him what looked like to a business card and left for her room. Once back in the dorm room Katya changed into a pair of long pyjama pants and black t-shirt with a printing of a purple heart a character for an anime she loved. Once changed she picked her clothes form earlier and sat on her bed with her laptop and started to surf the web, feeling pleased she had made a friend. [b][i][color=B22222]Ken[/color][/i][/b] Ken had been in the middle of a walk when he felt someone bump into him. At first he simply ignored it too deep in his own half maddened thoughts about eating several members of the student body he thought would taste nice. It took a moment for the fact he had been bumped into to register with Ken who then slowly turned to look at the boy a little sting of drool hanging form his mouth as thoughts eating things he shouldn’t still plagued his mind. Looking at the boy it took keen a mere second to size him up and have several plans of attack worked out. This showing by a slight glint in Ken’s eyes, his eyes also showing a fragment of the brutal ways Ken had already thought of to end the boy’s life. Luckily for the boy he didn’t look to appetising that and Ken didn’t want to get locked in the school basement for the rest of his life. Ken shook his head trying to push such thoughts out of his head after all the good guys don’t kill and eat innocent people… they didn’t right? Or did they? Was it a good guy thing not to eat people? Still staring at the boy Ken thought since he bumped into him he’d give the boy a scare… although he’d probably get in trouble for it, the sight would so be worth it. Letting go of portion of his self-control Ken gave into the underlying urge to change forms. His body reacting nearly instantly to it as his eyes went wide and the sound of bone breaking and reforming start to sound from Ken as his body began the painful process of changing shape. Within moments Ken expression became pained and fur began to rapidly grow across his whole body and a tail began to from. Ken clothing tore as his body shape changed and grew bigger, but wait remained still hung of him covering up anything shameful the boy might see. It several minutes for the change to be completely and provided the boy hadn’t run off Ken merely looked at him with a semi wild and hungry look in his eyes before running at him and taking a swipe that would just miss him. After that Ken would run off to do his own thing. After some time had passed Ken had begun his normal nightly prowling of the school grounds currently he was hassling his favourite cafeteria worker. A woman for whatever reason never seemed to leave the cafeteria or never seemed to sleep. But that didn’t matter what mattered was this worker always feed Ken when he came by no matter what time of day it was or what form he was in. So after several minutes of hassling her he had gotten enough meat to feed several people and was hungrily chowing it down form a large metal blow labelled Kenneth.