[hider=Carmen Calandra] [center] [img]http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/2b/b5/bd/2bb5bd2d45e0169242f1542a8e2100be.jpg[/img] [img]http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/47/9c/f7/479cf75b66bee2e19877b6150a5a3e80.jpg[/img] [img]http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/cf/fe/cd/cffecd144940b88fc208e0a561cca3cc.jpg[/img] [img]http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/145/4/b/the_siren_by_ice_ridden-d66ktdx.jpg[/img] [color=orange][h1]Carmen Calandra[/h1][/color] [h3]Basics[/h3] [b]Gender[/b] [color=orange]||[/color] Female [b]Species/Race[/b] [color=orange]||[/color] Skylark [b]Age[/b] [color=orange]||[/color] 25 [b]Height[/b] [color=orange]||[/color] 5'10"/1.78m [b]Weight[/b] [color=orange]||[/color] 120 lb./54.43 kg [b]Hair Color/Type[/b] [color=orange]||[/color] copper/strawberry blonde (like [url=http://a4.files.beautyeditor.ca/image/upload/dpr_1.0,q_80/MTI1OTUyNjg1MTM1NDAyMjU4.jpg]this[/url] or [url=http://img.allw.mn/content/hair/2013/06/3_strawberry-blonde.jpg]this[/url]); extremely long and voluptuous [b]Eye Color[/b] [color=orange]||[/color] blue [b]Skin Color[/b] [color=orange]||[/color] fair/unblemished tan [b]Figure[/b] [color=orange]||[/color] slim and well-proportioned [b]Occupation[/b] [color=orange]||[/color] Carmen owns and operates her own small fashion shop in the small Oasarian town the former students now reside in. [h3]Powers[/h3] [i]Sound Production[/i] - Carmen is a sound producer. Unlike a sound manipulator, Carmen is incapable of taking an existing sound and changing it, and is all about producing new sounds. Sound duplication is certainly possible, but not manipulation. Carmen can utilize all of her abilities from herself when in bird form, but when in human form she requires her trumpet. Some of Carmen's specific abilities, many of which have already been used in Athalia history, are [url=http://athaliaacademy.wikia.com/wiki/Carmen_Calandra]available on the wiki[/url]. [i]Carmen's Trumpet[/i] - Carmen possesses a supernatural brass instrument that resembles a grandiose herald trumpet. 3 feet long and with a 7.5" bell flare (the bell flare in the pictures is about 5"), it stands half as tall as its user. It is through this instrument that her music and sound production abilities are released to the world, and it can be used as both a solo instrument and a lethal sonic weapon. It can project any sound or combination of sounds Carmen can possibly think of - any tambre or combination of tambres, any amount of polyphony and counterpoint, and any dynamic from inaudible to shake-the-building's-foundation loud. It is the ultimate sonic expression tool. [img]http://i827.photobucket.com/albums/zz192/DrivingPark/Carmens%20Trumpet%202_zpsvjrq7q0j.jpg[/img] [h3]Weaknesses[/h3] [i]Dependence Day[/i] - The most obvious weakness in Carmen's arsenal is the fact that in human form Carmen's Trumpet functions exactly as Thor's Hammer does - although she can summon the instrument to her being at any point through the very limited telekinetic abilities she possesses (which is only useful for making menial tasks a little easier and thus not (yet) considered a full-fledged power), she is completely and totally powerless when the instrument is not in her hands and in fact on her lips. [i]Nonfunctional Harmony[/i] - Although Carmen can shift to a gaseous bird form (hence skylark) that negates all need for the trumpet or really anything and is impervious from physical attacks, she cannot use sounds offensively while in this form and can only produce music, thus relegating this form to a defensive and primarily non-combat role. [i]Lopsided[/i] - While Carmen can use her abilities in a defensive fashion, she is essentially all offense, and thus doesn't have anything in the way of protection against enemy attacks. Her combat style relies entirely on her never getting hit. [i]Oblivion[/i] - Carmen's mind can be too confident and oblivious of danger and potential problems. While typically this has not caused trouble for her as she can deal with most problems, it provides an opportunity for disaster. [h3]Personality[/h3] With an imposing face that can be downright menacing, Carmen is no angel. She's no demon either, but is hardly perfect. To fully understand her personality you must begin with a typical, egotistical soprano singer. This is a girl who is, by all accounts, a diva, thinks herself above all others and is very outgoing to everyone - if only to flaunt herself to them. Now take away about 1/5th of the ego and half of the outgoing-ness and you pretty much have Carmen hit on the head. She wants to talk to others, but she does not shout about it and rarely even initiates it. She thinks highly of herself but does not impose it upon others in the slightest, instead preferring to let her striking looks and (mainly) the music she creates do the talking. She is inwardly judgmental (as opposed to outwardly (to friends) like a soprano), constantly observing and judging others but never saying a word of what she thinks. Her actual thoughts on a subject are often a mystery. She is nigh impossible to attract, having ludicrously high standards and not being experienced with romance in the first place. [h3]Background[/h3] The mythological Siren is a beautiful yet dangerous woman creature who entices sea-going vessels to crash on the shore with enchanting song. The real (in the context of Athalia) Siren is an altogether more complicated matter. Born from the universe when a supernova generates a particular set of frequencies that possess such ferocious energy and consonance with one another that they cause the spontaneous creation of a sentient life form - a Siren. Very few Sirens have ever existed, and they all have absolute control of all sound in the universe at all times. Carmen is a subtype of Siren called a Skylark, which manifests itself in two forms: a human form, where she needs a form of sound production (the trumpet) to use her abilities, and an almost gaseous form where she can produce and manipulate sound without need for the trumpet (which dissolves when she changes to this form). This form strongly resembles a huge bird, which is why she has been dubbed a Skylark. While Sirens - and thus Skylarks - do not "age", since their inception involved frequencies which eventually dissipate, they too eventually dissipate, but only after several millenia. They cannot be classified as supernatural because they come from the natural universe, but they possess entirely "supernatural" abilities and can often learn other abilities besides sound manipulation. Conceived from a supernova on the other side of the Milky Way galaxy, Carmen spent her twenty years leading up to Athalia learning the ways of the world - languages, cultures, and most principally musics (yes, musics is a word), and as such has a vast knowledge database of human music and can reproduce much of it through her trumpet. [h3]Further Information[/h3] A little known fact is that Carmen has an extremely beautiful singing voice - a true soprano sound matching her true soprano ego. It is not linked to her abilities and for all of her self interest she refuses to sing for anyone or even allow them to know that she can, although she practices regularly. It is her best kept secret and to unlock it is to unlock the key to the rest of her mind. Carmen owns quite possibly the largest fashion collection in the entire Athalia universe. Carmen does not need to eat, drink or sleep, but can for entertainment. Carmen was originally conceived as essentially a continuation of Driving Park's Kalmaysia character, Sasha Iranti. Her name was originally supposed to be Shira (meaning "singing" in Hebrew), until HylianRose pointed out that in one of the earlier roleplays there had literally been a siren character named Shira. As a result, the name Carmen Calandra was a last minute edit on an otherwise completed character sheet. She was intended to have her trumpet and ability set from the beginning (although additional abilities and tweaks were added during Season Two), but it was only when Driving Park completely embraced her diva personality that she came into her own as a character. Carmen has appeared on more non-canon entertainment program episodes than any other Athalia character, appearing in some capacity in three Ganonshaw episodes and the first Noxonshaw episode. She is also the only character thus far to have appeared in all three shows (including her own), and the only Athalia canon character to have hosted her own show. The surf shop cashier that Carmen bought her beach outfit (including gigantic sun hat) from in the beginning of Season Two was originally intended to be Driving Park's second character - a very laid back surfer dude with water manipulation. However, that idea never came to fruition and later in the season Mizuki "Kelly Miyabi" was introduced as his second character. Carmen is specifically listed as a weakness in Derek Keelan's Guild character sheet. [h3]Theme[/h3] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IorOng9qUOo]Clicky[/url] [/center] [/hider]