[center] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/60/72/20/607220991f24269a49c29a366f436135.jpg[/img] [sub][color=yellow][b]"It sort of funny how war will change a person, you know?"[/b][/color][/sub] [b]Criston Carter Cross[/b] [h3]Basics[/h3] [/center] [b]Gender[/b] || Male [b]Race/Species[/b] || Human Warlock/Witch [b]Age[/b] || 26 [b]Height[/b] || 6 feet [b]Weight[/b] || 150 lbs [b]Hair Color[/b] || White Hair [b]Eye Color[/b] || Yellow Eyes [b]Skin Tone[/b] || Pale (ish) [b]Figure[/b] || Slim but Muscular [b]Occupation[/b] || N/A (Currently in charge of leading the Resistance against Marcus with his mother.) [center] [h3]Powers[/h3] [i]Electricity Manipulation[/i] - Criston has the ability to manipulation electricity at his will. He can store it in his body and release it into other things. Using this ability, he can gain control over most electronic items and power them. He can also summon a powerful electric storm, though it drains a lot of his powers. [h3]Weaknesses[/h3] [i]Water[/i] - Criston, bless his heart, can't swim and is deathly afraid of large, or what he deems large, bodies of water. Getting over to Osari was no small task. [i]Pretty ladies[/i] - Criston has a soft spot for pretty ladies. Being a lady's man, he will always come to the aid of a female in need. He also finds it very hard to resist female's sexual advances. (Apologizes to his wife...) [i]His own arrogance [/i] - A well known problem with Criston is his arrogance. He is well known for thinking he knows more than he does and thinking that he can do more than he can actually do. He is getting better however, as he takes on his leadership role. [h3]Personality[/h3] Criston is kind yet arrogant. He believes in his own strength and experience and will often boast about it. If confronted with an enemy, he will be the first to jump in without a plan and get hurt because of it. He is spoiled and has everything he could ever want and this can make him seem a bit condescending to other students. With the recent events, however, he has begun to change as an individual and is beginning to mature, taking on more responsibility. In this, he has already surpassed Brako. ["Take that, old man!" - Criston] [h3]Background[/h3] Criston is the Principal's son, which you can guess as to what sort of things he can get away with. He inherited his powers from his mother and everyone on campus knows about it. He's always been on campus, even as a child. He knows all of the professors and he knows all of the students. (Background is severely lacking. Will be updated... eventually.) [/center]