To say that the entire situation bothered Ghurst was a joke made in the worst taste. With no time for study or investigation on his own terms his colleagues in Fogi bid him to do this favor for them. Of course he knew why they asked. Rare materials and access the private libraries cost both influence and money. It was only natural that he needed something from them and they needed something from him. It was the spirit of the free market, but still... Every time he departed from his quest for the Panacea it felt like he was daring fate to take his mind as it had taken his father's. Beyond that morbid thought he wasn't too hopeful that he could do much to help at this point. Going in blind to an investigation was an invitation for all sorts of misinformation and assumptions to be regarded as fact. So many times he'd come in as an impartial observer and managed to see what others had dismissed out of hand. Today he only knew as much as anyone else did, that Ebb was drowning. This lack of perspective was going to get him or someone else killed. Not that it would matter much if the Ankou were right. From the rear window of the cab he rode in he could see the tower of their sub descend back into the puddle from whence it came. No doubt the [i]parasites[/i] had another boatload of the gullible or the desperate. It was pitiful, but Ghurst couldn't bring himself to morn them, they had made their choice. As the cab pulled up to the mayor's door, Rhastulah, left the driver a generous tip and dashed for the door's overhand. Each blood red droplet made him curse the fact that he'd left his umbrella behind. As the door opened Ghurst rushed in and nearly ran into a rain soaked man. Beyond him the parili could see a gaunt revenant, and elf maiden, and a clean(ish) goblin. As his eyes fell on the wolf though, some part of his brain that still belonged to his deer ancestors insisted that he flee. Instead Ghurst fought the feeling and inclined his head respectfully to the group as a whole. [color=SteelBlue]"My name is Rhastulah Ghurst, but I would prefer to be called Mr. Ghurst. I assume that you were all summoned here as I was."[/color] [color=DarkOrange]"I think you assume correctly,"[/color] came a hollow, yet feminine voice behind him, [color=DarkOrange]"Now if you would kindly move aside so I may enter..."[/color] As Ghurst moved a slender, metallic form slipped underneath the too-short door frame and into the waiting room. Obviously a golem and a woman, she glided across the floor. Entering with her, a fairly nondescript, elderly manservant moved to deposit her umbrella in to the umbrella stand. Once hers was deposited, she turned to regard the small gathering. In that entire time her face hadn't moved an inch, frozen in a look of bemused contemplation. As she began to speak again, it remained that way. [color=DarkOrange]"It seems dear Margaret's endeavors have born fruit once again. Since introductions are in order, I am Eresa Aedon. I'm looking forward to working with each and every one of you."[/color] As she finished the mask finally moved as her eyes narrowed slightly. While it was most likely meant to seem affectionate, it managed to push her look from amusement into something closer to predation.