[h2]Zento Ray[/h2] [@Kitsune] [@Phobos] What came next, Zento could not fully prepare for, it was as if his mind had gone blank. Koyo and fired a Hado at the Hollow, who was charging a Cero that was aimed right at him. Zento had and idea of what he was going to do the Cero, but it helped that Koyo dealt with it, even if it meant putting him in harms way. Once the beam came in contact with the Cero a large explosion rocked the ground. Zento was thrown out of the air, but he was able to Shunpo to a near by buildings roof. "Shit." Zento mumbled. By the time the smoke dissipated, the hollow was gone. No, it had been destroyed, completely annihilated. Zento raked his hands through his hair, Koyo was such stronger than she appeared to be. Zento deactivated his Kazuma, she returned to her original state and Zento placed her back on its sheath. Zento jumped down to Koyo, "Well that's over and done, call the Captain real quick, we still have to report this." he said glancing back at the smoldering crater that used to be the 3- legged hollow.